These days it's hard to read a manga and read through the comment section without reading spoilers. Well, it's always been hard but these days it's really really too much.
I need some days to catch up with updates and I am one of the readers who waits patiently for the next english translated chapters with full excitement and every time seeing through the comment section I read spoilers I never wished to read.
No spoiler warnings, no hidden comments, and the moment you think people are writing about the currently released english chapter they are writing about what they saw in the raws what will come next without a warning. Or they answer with spoilers when your first comment was your opinion what might happen next in a story.
Guys, this is so wrong of you.
What I am saying is, it's impossible to read any comments these days and this is no fun.
I know that my post here won't change a thing, but please, just think about it more, think about other readers, think about the readers who really wished to share their thoughts and opinions too, think about others, don't just destroy others reading experience.
Use spoiler tags, warnings, appreciate the current released english translation more, don't answer with spoilers, learn to hide and mark your stuff.
This is really not much I am asking for and I bet a lot of others are sharing my opinion in this matter.
I for myself feel like I am forced to avoid the comment section and when things go on like that I will do this on my own free will.
Don't get mad at me, I felt the need to point this problem out.

Sorry, saw this now. Didn't expect to receive an answer at all.
thanks for your opinion, which actually makes no sense to me at all.
Have you ever stood in front of a cinema and waited to enter the hall as the next group to see the film?
Have you ever experienced that the group leaving the hall loudly tells what happened in the end of the film and that you learned everything relevant to the film and that you couldn't see the film it with the same enthusiasm you would have without knowing anything?
This is what spoiler do.
spoilers are always randomly done, when no one asked for them.
have you ever joinded a book discussion and you had questions about the first half of the book and the person who answered you with the ending of the book to understand the first half better, although that wasn't part of your question?
This is what I am talking about.
And we are talking here about some manga, it's not that I could get THAT upset about, because, to be honest, i know a lot of kids are here letting their steam out and don't understand to be more considerate.
I can't change peoples view of things, but when I believe that there is a problem I have to point out I speak up, keeping quite about it won't do. That would deliver the impression everything is fine and right.
we are a community of readers, everyone should find their fun here and seriously, to cover up a spoilers a bit or write warning or just thing a tiny bit more what you are about to do, is not too difficult, is it?
discussions yes, opinions yes, exclusion no. People who wished for good and serious discussions shouldn't been excluded.
sorry for the long post. I just felt the need to.
wish you a good day/night/afternoon

Does anyone know where I can find the raws to
I only found them till chapter 4 and I just want to know how this ends, after so many years I don't think a group will work on it.
Pls and thx

Hiho, I need some help. I'm looking for a yaoi or shounen-ai manga I read a long time ago but I can't remember the name.
All I remember is, that the main character was a glasses boy who ran away from home. Got robbed and stabbed, was found by a bar owner and worked as a translator in the embassy. I think his brother was searching for him. Something like that.
It would be awesome to get back what's missin' in my memories :P
Thank you

is this the one?
Is something wrong with my account?
Some of my topics aren't listed in the forum of some mangas when I scroll down and I don't know why.
Any idea?
Is there something I can't see?