So, I was just wondering about the author's note on chapter 31.5, regarding how the protagonits share the same keyword. I assume this keyword is Memory, since we have San and 704 forgetting their previous memories (San on purpose), while Geumsun and Eunjae have difficult memories that they have to live with. Geumsun mentions how humans are blessed for being able to forget memories, something Eunjae did to protect himself (similar to San). He also mentions how Hwan is a being that compels humans to recall memories they want to forget (poor Eunjae!). Geumsun is the only one not blessed with this "gift of oblivion", something that clearly makes him feel bad. I think is really cool how Hwan's abilities relate to the story :)
2021-07-10 10:20 marked
Okay, sorry this wasn't as posted as quickly as all the previous chapters. I've been reading it over and over and over again and the summary could be deduced to a single sad line: "704 confronts Geumsun's hot and cold behavior by way of blowjob that doubles as revengeful lesson on consent".

If it wasn't so incredibly heartbreakingly sad it would be amusing to see 704 jealous of himself.

What We Learn:
- What a relief it is to see 704 address the dubcon/noncon in an empowering way and not have it swept under the rug
- Absolutely nothing else

Questions Remaining:
- where the hell is San?
- Geumsun makes such a face at 704's bow so clearly something happened with this weapon in the past?
- will 704/GS relationship ever be explained or will we all just continue collectively believing it happened with no concrete proof ever presented until the end of time like some shitty Mandela effect
- has Yama changed? are we safe?
- did everyone else know the Northerners were Chinese? or am I the only idiot? it took reading 944's name in Mandarin last chapter for me to realize.
2021-06-10 05:27 marked
I'm not hating on Isis. She suffered a lot.
I dislike Nephythys tho. It seems she just wanted to have Osiris child.
Seth is a victim, but his role was still to be a good god, not a killer.
The only thing I want to know is what made Osiris to be that obsessed with Seth.
How did he turned out this fucked up.
I despise him. I really do.
2021-05-30 04:35 marked
I always thought stories involving BDSM where one partner isn't into it, are uncomfortable but this manhwa completely changed my mind. It turned this concept into a mental conflict due to the Vanilla Uke liking the Dom Seme and putting up with it.
First off the is to die for!! It's been a while since I was so impressed, the arrangement of the panels, the linework, the symbolism (like cracked pieces)...everything is simply astonishing!
I can't even describe how much I love it!
The subject is treated with respect and even educational for newcomers probably.
Oh and the dynamic between those two, finally not a psychotic and obsessed Seme and the Uke is so likeable as well! He's mature enough to handle the subject but also a victim to his feelings, he's cute but not whiny or annoying.
I love how them being gay and the whole DS/SM relationship isn't treated as embarrassing but accepted by those involved.
GAH I could go on and on about how much I'm addicted to this!
Just the whole story, it's so fresh and doesn't drift into the cliche troupes much, this is officially one of my all time favorite now!
I could read 100+ chapters and not get bored~
2021-05-19 01:47 marked
"why is this always in hiatus?" "soo slow" "I already forgot" Excuse the shit outta my goddamn french but y'all joined yaoi in 2016 with Killing Stalking and reading mangas with weakly updates, made fast with digital art, thousands of options and still complaining? Do you know the things a bitch had to go through just to see a glimpse of some men on men action back in the day? Junjou Romantica still ongoing bitch! The anatomy was even crazier! Chose you pick: furry, bara or shota? Consensual sex? What's that? Love Stage was considered revolutionary, watching 32 parts of one anime with low quality in your even shittier pc, watching Maiden Rose in porn website under the title of "German guy goes deep in bossy Asian" and you don't even know English bitch! We were the weirdos of the otaku community girl... Not gonna lie y'all take everything for granted! Smh
2021-05-01 20:46 marked
hello should i read this? is it good? what is this about?
2021-04-23 02:38 marked

Notes like these are absolutely unnecessary if you upload the chapter 2 hours after the official release anyway. You uploaders are to blame that the readers expect immediate availability of a new chapter.
Where is the problem of actually waiting - at least 24 hours ?? Since the site was down for a while, the uploads are shorter and there are only a few hours between the official release. And that affects almost every bl Webtoon by now! I hope that this behavior will pay off at some point and that you won't be able to enjoy your series anymore.
Learn to wait you all.
2021-04-16 16:11 marked
Haven't read this but the cover gives me slightly some 'black sun' vibes.
maybe I'll try it but not now.
2021-04-10 03:00 marked
Come to read the latest chapters and oh man does the author stack on the layers of drama and relationship dodecahedron.

So thus far...(up to chapter 64) [Spoiler]

Seth <--> Nephthys are married. Isis and Osiris are married. Isis loves Osiris. Osiris wants Seth as a wife but couldn't because he is male and male gods can't create life in the way females can. Osiris secretly steals Seth's fertility knowing that Seth would feel like a failure and knowing that Nephthys, out of wifely duty, would go to Osiris to ask for help. Osiris agrees and helps them make a child, a child which is technically Nephthys and Osiris's, but used with Seth's semen (?). There is also the hint by Osiris that Nephthys is not as in love with Seth as Seth is in love with her, and his love for her is really him being lonely and finding meaning in being a husband and father. Anyway, Seth still feels cheated out of fatherhood, cuckolded and humiliated. He hates that he was used like that and he wavers between loving Anubis and hating what he represents--not Anubis himself, but the means of his conception. He wishes for Anubis to never grow old, perhaps because all the adults around him have proven to be unreliable and untrustworthy? Because he wasn't innocent, but something broke in him the day Osiris raped him? He was not naive to sexual assault, but it being experienced by anyone, especially your brother and so painfully on top of the realization that your family might not actually be yours, knocked something out of place in his head. From then on, Seth has used violence and a cavalier attitude to hide that he's a deeply wounded god. Basically "If I keep moving and fucking around, the bad thoughts won't get me!" Except that his behavior is a direct result of those bad feelings.

Isis hates Seth for being the object of Osiris's affection despite knowing that Seth didn't seduce him or anything. It's irrational victim-blaming borne out of rage and grief. And later that hate is compounded when Seth kills Osiris because that's still her husband and their shared brother, and kin-slaying has always been one of the most major taboos in these ancient societies. Not to mention this makes Seth an usurper. Her anger and hatred is also exacerbated by the fact that Seth decides to do self-care by being a tyrant over Egypt because there is no one he can turn to to talk out his feelings of being raped, lied to, betrayed, etc.

Isis vows to get revenge on Seth for killing her husband and yadda yadda. With Horus being her only object of love left alive, she pours all of her desires, dreams, worries, and pain onto Horus. It is a neurotic, uncomfortable "love" that Horus never felt comfortable with. It was a love borne out of desperation and utility, an emotional crutch that needed to live by her whims because she had big plans. When Horus met Seth, he saw a god that simply wanted something to love. He wanted to be someone who could give love without being dismissed. He told Anubis "You can hate or love me, but don't cast me away." It is also emotionally codependent, but the difference between Isis's love for Horus and Seth's love for Anubis is that Horus is meant to be poetic justice in a grand scheme by Isis--he is meant to represent the downfall of Seth, the unlawful usurper and murderer of Osiris. Seth's love for Anubis is to me at its core "I (Seth) feel like I am fully realized as a person when you acknowledge the love I have for you". A child doesn't use love for their own twisted ends. They accept it without question. That was what Seth wants -- a child that can receive his love and do nothing unsavory with it, but he is willing to compromise with "A son who acknowledges me as his father, a scoundrel, anything that will make him look at me."

Horus saw that love Seth accidentally showed to him (thinking he was Anubis) and wanted it for himself. It was a love that had no prerequisites or expectations, unlike the love Isis had for Horus which can be likened to an uptight mother wanting her son to get in all the best schools without considering what he might want for himself.

So Horus is sort of like his father Osiris with his fixation on Seth--both of them see Seth as beautiful and powerful. I say beautiful because it is gendered toward feminine. It is very interesting because Seth seems to exist in the middle of the spectrum of masculine and feminine. When put up beside the gods, he is portrayed more masculine than the goddesses (and Thoth of course lol), in the presence of Horus he is roughly equal, and in the presence of Osiris he is...not feminized exactly, because he still has the body of a toned man, but his status and presentation as a man becomes much shakier because of what we as readers know about his sexual assault. Osiris feminizes him by raping him and in turn we the readers feminize him because of the association with rape (domination) and masculinity. This is admittedly difficult to articulate...Seth isn't a "pretty boy uke", not at all, but there is a certain fragility that is lent to him because of our association with emotional oppenness (he is very expressive. Cocky, angry, prideful, smug, distraught) and androgynous looks with femininity. Powerful, because he literally is the desert, and the potential of that power is limitless. He is destruction, he is chaos. In Osiris's twisted lovestruck mind, he is something to be tamed and cultivated--a wild stallion to be broken in. For Horus, Seth is a fountain of endless love with which he wishes to quench his thirst.

Yep, those are my thoughts.
2021-04-05 20:30 marked
This is by no means 100% accurate but just based on my perception
Writing this as I read, so tend to ramble, sorry
We started with the myth of Set killing Osiris, which did happen, but it wasn't because of a game. This is because Set found out that Anubis is Osiris son. Set very much wanted to have a child but he's unable to do so because he's actually infertile. To make him happy, Nephthys asked Osiris to impregnate her, although they did so in magical rather than a carnal way. So Anubis was conceived between Osiris and Nephthys, and Nephthys passed him off as Set's child. This is also the reason why Osiris can possess Anubis, as he was his child. Sekhmet, as is her nature as goddess of disaster, told Set the truth, hence, he confronted Osiris.

Now, this is where it gets interesting yaoi style. Osiris is the god of life, but he can't create new gods, only goddesses can do that. To fulfill his duty, he married Isis so they can procreate. Osiris is actually in love with Set, and although he let his union with Nepthys happen, he can't stand the thought of him having a child with her., and ultimately caused his infertility. He only agreed to helping Nephthys beget a child in exchange for having Set for one night

So now back to the night Set confronted Osiris, Osiris drugged the wine he has given Set so he could have his way with him as and prevent him into turning to sand to escape. He also held Anubis' soul as hostage so Set will do his bidding. Set actually loves Anubis as his own son, despite knowing he didn't father him, so he begs Osiris not to kill Anubis in exchange of doing whatever he wants. So they have sex, and Isis witnessed it.

Earlier that night, Isis confronted Nephthys after learning the truth from Sekhmet. She confessed to Isis everything and asked her to kill her, but Isis refused. This seems to be the reason why there are two Nephthys, the fake one in the dungeon and the real one in Hathor's mirror. Isis then went to confront Osiris and Set and caught them in the act. In her despair, she tried to kill Anubis but didn't went through with it. She also cursed every one with "The more you want it, the harder it is to obtain". What I gleaned from the rough translations is that Isis' ultimate goal is revenge on Osiris, Set and all the gods that turned their backs on her after Osiris dies. In fact, her real reason for reviving Osiris and conceiving Horus with him is ultimately to help her with her revenge. Whether Horus wins or not, she has prepared for war by enlisting foreign powers, Her ultimate plan is to flood the Nile and instead of just eradicating humans, she intends to include gods as well, This is also the reason why she sent Horus to have Nut's blessing instead of Geb, when the latter could have helped with his battle with Set as the god of the earth. Having dominion over the sky from Nut will save Horus when Isis floods the Nile.

Now, back to Set and Osiris after thee deed was done, Sekhmet put Osiris to sleep and help secure Anubis soul. With Anubis safe, they planned on killing Osiris. It was Sekhmet who hinted throwing Osiris in the Nile. Osiris can't be killed unless he wills it, so Set pretended to commit suicide so Osiris will follow him. Osiris may be the god of life but he can't create new gods or resurrrect dead ones, so Set smartly assumed that his obsession with him will make the god of life follow him to Duat.

After Osiris was murdered, Set became mad and very destructive. He changed from a loving father to an abusive one. One time he hit Anubis and Anubis ran away to Duat. This may be when he met Osiris and got possessed. Unknown to Anubis, Set went on a rampage when he went missing. It was during this time a young Horus went to meet him just to see for himself the god his mother hated so much. . Drunk and high on incense, Set mistook the young Horus for Anubis and became very affectionate to him, begging him for forgiveness. This was when he unwittingly passed down the curse from Isis to both Set and Anubis, with added personal terms which was to stay as his son, thus preventing them from growing and becoming Gods.

This was also the time when the young Horus fell in love with Set, as he quoted "I wanted to be the only one who loves you." Sigh, like father like son.

Horus coveted Set's love, and kept on keeping him drunk and high so he keeps receiving the love meant for Anubis. However, this causes Set to decline, so Horus decided to give up "being loved as Anubis" which counted as one of the criteria for breaking the curse , specifically "giving up something you really want". This caused him to grew into godhood, even if only partial.

Now, back to Osiris and his interferences, since tricked to die and stay in Duat, he's been trying to take Set to Duat too. Isis' ultimate revenge is for Set's soul be eaten as punishment so that he can't even go to Duat and be with Osiris

So ending stated Nephthys actually loved Osiris, considering what Osiris said that Set only love Nephthys because she enables him to be a respected familyman which differs greatly from Osiris deep burning obsessive love, I like the idea that Horus might be the first guy he will actually love as a person. He's kinda rapey tho so boohoo to that

Poor Anubis, learning Osiris is his dad probably made him give up "what he wanted most" = starting as a family all over again with Nephthys and Seth. His life is also at stake. At least we can finally see his partial god form
Also who's the hot foreign god, Bacchus?

Hngggh the welcome for Season 2 is soooo hot. Show us Horus' face demmit
2020-12-21 17:53 marked
this item will be show after approved
2020-12-21 17:46 marked
Osiris: Do you have any idea what I've given up for YOU?

Me: bruh pls
2020-12-21 14:54 marked
The gods in Ennead are more like deity than the gods or matter that created everything.

In Asia, or at least in Asia Pacific, deity is something created by land. Even deity is divided into two categories, the first being the protectors of the land, or landlords, who are worshiped by humans as gods.

Second, free and unbound Deity, they are lower than the deity who protects the land, they can be categorized as good or evil, depending on how the deity behaves. In the west this deity is categorized as Goblin.

The gods in the Ennead are the same as the deity in charge of protecting the land.

I will say something unpleasant.

However, deity that protects the land, has no obligation and responsibility towards humans. They use the concept of give and take. If humans worship them, they will help humans.

The concept of a god (read: deity who protects the land) has an obligation to protect humans, is a concept that humans create themselves. Because from the start they were created to protect the land, not the humans who were there. As long as they protect the land, how they treat humans is not something that matters.

Aren't there many myths and stories where gods ask for human sacrifice to bring down rain, humans who are killed to become human pillars (killed to be used as building foundations) in order to assuage the anger of landlords who are disturbed for their construction, humans whose hearts are taken for god's offering and others.

And the landlords who protect the uninhabited land, really aggressive towards humans. If any human being stepped over the territory they protected and did something which for the landlord was destructive, that human would be cursed. Even though all that humans do is cut branches, or pick flowers, or take stones, or just say something that is not appropriate.

That's why I am somewhat surprised by the number of arguments about who is worse among them, than how many people they kill or sacrifice. Because for me, they--the deity that protects the land, only considers humans the same as livestock or sims. Which is one of the elements of the soil they protect. Even in the Ennead it is stated that Egypt was Ra's garden.

To be honest, I don't really care about Seth or Isis sacrificing so many humans in their bickering and revenge. Sometimes in fiction, there is no need for someone to kill a human to be categorized as the most despicable character in the story.

And I love how Ennead describes how bad it is when a deity behaves and thinks like a human. Because when they get caught by their feelings, the situation will get really, really bad. ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
2020-12-05 21:20 marked
I hate that people are constantly going on about their age. THIS IS HOW IT WAS. Women were given away to men as long as they were eligible. Men of any age. By constantly nitpicking and not appreciating the effort thats gone into researching and an almost accurate setting, people think it's ok to somehow give some false "diagnosis" of pedophilia or whatever. It's annoying at this point. Not only are u being rude but also insulting the ancestors of that land by superimposing your idea of ethics. Whether it's right it wrong has nthbn to do with u. This is how it was. If u Cannot stomach it u have the liberty to choose to not read the story
2020-11-20 08:01 marked
I just read this interesting article about LGBT Egyptian gods:

And it seems like the new Greek/Roman god in the raws is Antinous. According to the article he was a real historical figure and lover of Roman emperor Hadrian. The story goes that the couple went on a trip around the Mediterranean but Antinous drowned in the Nile on the same day of Osiris' death commemoration. After his death he rose from Nile's waters and reborn as Osiris. Long story short: Osiris might make his appearance on season 2 but as Antinous.
Moving on to Seth and Nephthys. According to the article, some historians think Seth is gay while Nephthys is lesbian. Nephthys being lesbian explains why the her inside the mirror said she was shocked when she saw her "fake" in love with Seth.
However, I can't explain Seth's disgusted attitude toward gays when the author stated that Seth is okay in dating both genders. I have a theory that Seth and Osiris were in secret romantic reletionship before while Nephthys had an unrequited love for Isis. Then someone discovered their secrets and gifted Seth and Nephthys the infamous mirrors in order to "fix" their unorthodox feelings for the same sex. When they both stared at the mirros, they found themsleves trapped inside while the "fake" hetero ones replaced them. Osiris was heartbroken after finding out Seth lost all memories of their love. Desperate and obsessed to get his lover back, Osiris decides to seize the throne and use the power of the emperor to search for solutions.
2020-11-08 23:56 marked
can we talk about eunwoo's arc?! fuckin love a character tht ACTUALLY acknowledges tht they fucced up (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
2020-11-04 20:36 marked
it's kinda funny the amount of dislikes i get just for saying that I feel bad for taku

i feel bad for each one of them, and honestly, none of them deserve hate or anything. But I especially feel bad for taku because, joowon and haesoo were in a messed up relationship and taku just got caught in that

i want all of them to find someone else or live alone or whatever they find happiness in, but even if two of them end up together i feel it would be joowon and haesoo, cause even in a messed up relationship they both were in love
but in case of TakuXHaesoo it's definitely one sided

I said it and i will say it again that i feel bad for taku cause he loves someone who's probably never gonna love him back the same way
2020-10-27 13:08 marked
man this manwha is just kind of getting sad at this point, like nooooo one is having a good time. rip i guess
2020-10-23 23:09 marked
To anyone who has forgotten the plot or is confused by it, the texts below maybe can help you. (Note that this covers Chapters 1-37).

(Disclaimer: Everything written here may not be 100% accurate but I'm pretty sure it's at least has an accuracy of over 90%. If you want something to be corrected, please say so below.)

This is basically the gist and what has happened so far:

- Demons can only enter our world through Doors which are humans.

- Joon becomes Cain's Door.

- Cain is a powerful demon who is at war with another powerful demon(?) named Satan.

- Cain can't defeat Satan because of the bullet in his heart which was shot either by Satan or Satan's subordinate. The bullet was from the fusion of weapons from heaven and hell.

- The bullet has significantly reduced Cain's power which is why he instructed his subordinate, the albino bitch Sid, to find the demon doctor that can fix this bullet injury.

- Cain gave Sid a special compass to help him find the demon doctor.

- Turns out that Sid is a traitorous bitch so now there are other demons messing and is after with the couple i.e. Cain and Joon.

- Sid became a traitorous bitch because he believes that Cain is not fit to be the lord of hell because he's too "soft". That and it's also possibly because of that weird demon parasite(?) or his multiple personality entity inside Sid that's is quite possibly influencing him too.

- JinYeong is Joon's bestie, who is secretly in love with him.

- Sid for some reason becomes infatuated with Jin Yeong so he tricks him into having sex with him, then he eventually kidnaps him and keeps forcing him to have sex with him.

- The Demon Doctor, named Aaron, has a clone that was killed by a demon (it's the demon that uses those bondage/rope thingies. Let's call him Bondage Demon.). The Bondage Demon was Sid's subordinate who Sid gave the compass to and instructed to find and kill the doctor.

- The Bondage Demon succeeded at locating and killing the doctor but he did not know that it was only a clone. The real Aaron thought that the attack was probably caused by Satan so he went to his friend/ally, the Pink-haired demon named Gael to find Cain to seek allegiance and protection from Satan.

- Aaron and Gael arrive at Joon's house to apparently help Cain and in doing so gain his alliance and protection.

- Both Aaron and Gael are afraid of Satan and they are hiding from him in our world, well Gael is, Aaron probably have other reasons.

- Aaron is actually the demon doctor that Cain has been looking for but Cain doesn't know that.

- Both Gael and Aaron used to be on Satan's side. The reason for their current state is still unknown.

- Sid suddenly arrives unexpectedly at Cain and Joon's home and Aaron recognizes him as the employer of the killer of his clone.

- Aaron is thinking of a way to prove to Cain that he is the doctor that he's been looking for since Cain is skeptical due to him meeting many fake doctors in the past and his trusted subordinate, Sid, reported to him that the real doctor was killed (it was only his clone that was killed.)

- Aaron concluded that if he proves that the compass is not with Sid, then Cain will know that Sid actually did betray him, that's why Aaron basically said to Sid "Where's the valuable compass that Cain specifically gave to you bitch?".

(At this point, it's gonna get a bit wordy. I'm gonna shorten it at another time)

- Sid didn't answer and he attacks Aaron, so basically he was found out. We get a flashback then telling us that Cain has always sent his minions to the human world to find the doctor, which is always assassinated for some reason. Then, one of Cain's trusted ally, the Little Demon Girl with Hugeass Hands, seems to know that Sid is doing something and when she was about to tell Cain, Sid was there and then Sid intimidated her and the little girl is obviously scared and thus remained silent.

- It turns out Cain has suspected Sid but now it was confirmed that Sid was betraying him and Cain is devasted because Cain didn't want to believe that Sid was betraying him. We get another flashback and we see a younger crying Sid being comforted by Cain. It seems Cain really really cares for Sid and Sid too used to really care for Cain too. And so they battle. (Also, props to Joon for his quick thinking and lil Donut for his bravery, "I'm not afraid because I'm strong" lol, so cute haha.)

- Cain, perhaps shielding Joon who was attacking Sid, Sid got stabbed by Sid. Cain then asks why Sid is doing this. Like did he mistreat him (which of course Cain didn't.)

- So it turns out one of the reasons Sid is allying with Satan is that apparently, if Cain hands over his entire domain, Satan would "accept" Sid and that his efforts are appreciated and so he will be promoted or something. (Wtf bitch)

- Cain, who is still shielding Joon, gets really hurt, real bad. Then Sid leaves. Joon begs Aaron to help Cain. Aaron can't do anything because of how big the injury was. It also turns out that the magic around the area is being unconsciously sucked by Cain to heal his injuries. This was apparently a bad thing for demons with magic and so, Gael wanted Aaron and himself to run as far away as possible. Joon however stays and doesn't want to leave Cain and Aaron sees this and remembers a similar thing that has happened in the past (What this was is in the spoiler below)

- Because of this, Aaron decides to stay and help Joon to remove the fragments from Cain. (This is referring to that bullet that was shot to Cain's heart.)

- To do this, Aaron will use his power along with Joon's power (also, Joon is called Youngho now?, I'm gonna keep calling him Joon). This process is very very painful for Joon.

- During this process, it seems that Joon's consciousness entered Cain, and there he meets Cain. Joon then comforts Cain to make him feel better and so have they have this very wild, uberly spicy, belly bulging sex.

- The wild sex continues and the reason why Joon is not injured even though Cain is 2-3 times bigger is that all of these are happening in the mind. (But that doesn't mean they won't still feel the sensations.)

- Back to the real world, they are being attacked by Satan's minion. Gael managed to protect them because of his barriers but it is not enough. Aaron wants to continue because he wants to finish what he started. (Aaron at this point is really getting injured too.)

- It seems that Cain is powering up.

That is what has happened so far.


Jinyeong, MC'S best friend, highly resembles the dead previous lover of Aaron the Demon Doctor. Jinyeong is highly likely the reincarnation of Aaron's former lover. Aaron's previous lover was also his door and maybe that's also the reason why he is stuck in our world. So Jinyeong x Aaron is endgame, they were always meant to be since 500 years ago.

Edit: The latest raw chapter 83 shows that Jin and Aaron is still very much happy together. They are still so adorable together.(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
2020-10-13 16:21 marked

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