Do not read ahead if you don't want to know what will happen!
I warned you (=・ω・=)
ok first of all I cried. Before Yeonwu came to the US he imagined hot american gays and stuff but when he arrives there he get's bullied by those guys :'( When he met Taehwan it was love at first sight, unrequited, because Taehwan is not gay (yet). Yeonwu has this fuck buddy who's a total abusive douche and when he get's fucked by him, he imagines it to be with Taehwan to get off. One time (the night where Taehwan has the fight with Dojin) they meet at a bar and Yeonwu get's so drunk he passes out. Taehwan takes him home and then Yeonwu (still very drunk) throws himself at Taehwan. That's how it all begins. Until now Taehwan acts like the god damn asshole he's been all this time, but I know deep in my heart he's gonna fall hard for Yeonwu. We're up for a bumpy ride bitches
(please note this is not 100% accurate because I don't know much Korean)

https://www.bomtoon.com/comic/ep_list/BBanana_S but you need to register any verify your age to be able to buy the chapters. If you want to know how this works let me know and I will explain :) I was trying to figure out how the thing works with the verification for a long time until someone explained to me here ( ̄∇ ̄")

Of course :) It works different if you don't have a Korean phone number. First you have to go the service center, you can find it when you scroll down. I would suggest you translate the site within your browser, if not possible it's called 고객센터 in Korean. Here you can choose different 1:1 enquiries (1:1 문의). One of them is 외국인 성인인증(Foreign adult certification). There you open a form where you can enter your name, birthdate and birthplace and upload your ID. I blurred everything except name, birthdate, -place and country. But I would at least blur the picture and ID number for your privacy. Then you have to write something in the text box (I just wrote hello please verify my age thank you) and send it. They verified it within one day. It's very easy if you know how to do it :D If you have any more questions I'm here to help!

...Chowon is also a victim in the whole story. He married Dojun because he loved him and was obsessed with him. But Dojun never loved him back and being with someone you love so much but who has no feelings for you is really brutal. And he felt that pain day in day out, even after they got divorced. That doesn't justify anything he did to hurt Heesoo and the other people but still I can somehow understand how he became that way. And now he met Kyungsoo who started to heal his broken heart. I hope he will continue to heal, he deserves happiness too.

1. https://theqoo.net/bl/1713458943
2. https://tdgall.com/index.php?mid=td&search_target=title_content&search_keyword=ㅎㅂ&document_srl=135821632 ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
3. https://theqoo.net/index.php?mid=total&filter_mode=normal&document_srl=1692910798
and for the people who haven't seen already (these were posted before, but i thought it's nice to have them all in one post):
4. https://m.weibo.cn/search?containerid=231522type%3D1%26q%3D%23빠나나%20스캔들%23
5. https://www.instiz.net/name/38823364?category=17&green=1&grnpage=3
6. http://www.mangago.zone/home/photo/7786417/
ok sorry for spamming again but I just couldn't stop xD going to horny jail right now, bye

I have a question about the end of chapter 94. SPOILER
After Joowon tells Haesoo he loves him, he first doesn't reply but then at the end there is another speech bubble saying I love you. Who said this? I was sure is was Haesoo replying but some people on instagram seem to have understood it differently and say that Haesoo hasn't replied yet. Can someone please enlighten me?

SPOILER! I WARNED YOU!! http://www.mangago.zone/home/photo/7786417/

TAKE THIS: https://www.instiz.net/name/38823364?category=17&green=1&grnpage=3
AND THIS: https://m.weibo.cn/detail/4576001268384515
I stole the last link from a previous posts I'm sorry (/TДT)/

download the tappytoon app, there you can watch 30 adds in 1 hour and will get 300 points for it. with those 300 points you can read one chapter. but attention: the 18+ version is not on the app, only in the browser version. but for the free points you will need the app. anyways the token you can buy are not even that expensive. 41 tokens are 5,49 € (probably like 6,50 USD) and you need only 3 tokens to read one chapter. that would be less than half a dollar for one chapter. but if that's even to much for you, you can still watch the adds once a week to read the chapter. it's really no big deal and you can support the author like this. I just recently found out thanks to another comment here, you I hope I can help some of you to find out too :)
For those not reading the raws, next two chapters will be very intense in a bad way. I just wanted to warn those who are sensitive. I'm not the sensitive kind but still I was shocked for a while after reading it
Intense like Arguing
Or intense like rape
intense rape :((
unfortunately it's very brutal rape :(
I already read the raws, its very rare to see these kind of rape in yaoi, I still feel sad :/ the seme should beat this rapist ass more
in case you guys don’t know seungchan’s not the one that does it, in case that wasn’t obvious-
Very & brutal?! What the!
It's fucked up but in a strange way, this is better than "rape but like, romantic" that a lot of yaoi has.
does anyone have the link? to the raws
https://newtoki88.com/webtoon/869811/혜성이-나에게로?page=2&toon=BL%2FGL but honestly be warned, it's very disturbing