omfg I hate him. like dude you cant just make false claims that she’s infertile, I doubt she’s infertile bc tbh wouldn’t she know if she was?
also it could not be her fault, idk how many times the emperor visits the empress to do the do but it can’t be much if the fact trashta got pregnant right away, but the real question is is she really pregnant ヽ(`Д´)ノ
someone get Carlein some water and food he looks like he’s gonna pass out from how pale he is. he looks sick and his hair doesn’t even help. what is he a ghost? he’s paler than me and I fucking glow in the sun. I practically blend in with the sand. Ever seen the irish girl sunbathing meme? yeah that’s me, and i’m pretty sure I’m not even irish (or maybe I am who knows cause I sure don’t know my fathers side, guess who’s taking a dna test at one point)
I take some of that back…my phone was at the lowest brightness possible. he still looks like he needs to see some sun but not as much as before
hun he's vampire
Wait really?