Wait I'm confused, is the long hair guy is Taehan's mom? But he look like a Alpha and the little guy look like a omega for me. Doyun said that Taehan's mom probably hate him but he look like a DADDY and HUHHH???????

Yes. The black long haired and golden eyes is the omega dad and the short small with the mustache is the alpha dad. This has been confirmed by the author. This topic was talked about a lot when the raw chapter came out. I think the author was trying to break stereotyping. That not all omegas are small and innocent looking and not all alphas are tall, strong, manly.

We all assumed he was the alpha before it was confirmed and made quite clear in the translations and by the author when the korean chapter came out and so many were so damn surprised when he was omega. And maybe it makes more sense for him to be the alpha because of the way he looks (and I know thats stereotyping lol). But in a way I love that the author switched it to make it different. And to say that all alphas and omegas don't look a certain way. I mean look at Doyun. He comes off more so as an alpha than an omega to me.
His business card is so cute
Damnit i meant to upvote sorry ಥ_ಥ