so eco read an article about women can actually use magic but they need to overcome a problem. So in my opinion, if they together find what’s the problem, more women will be able to use magic and it will be common for them to do so. It’s kinda not the redemption arc as eco decided to live of as a man. Would be better if in the end she fight for her rights and bring peace to the women though.

You need to understand that this manhwa is under psychological and mature tags that makes it more endearing. There will be adult like plot that’s extreme like toxicity, rape and stuff as there’re mentions of mafias and underground world.
The visual is kinda good though cause it balance the mature-like visual and the child-friendly one. Not too gore and not too much bloody.
Go read the other yaois if you say that this is too much. You need to understand the function of the tag. Even killing stalking is worse than this because it’s coloured. Be grateful

stop shitting on yuna, saying that she’s useless or whatsoever. BRO THEY’re FRIENDS. IT’s NOT LIKE YUNA BE CLINGING ONTO IJIN OR WHAT- (︶︿︶)=凸
those who be trashing her seems like jealous on her for getting with ijin.THEYRE NOT DATING, theres no scene of them doing so.
Plus, the bodyguard is there, so no need to ask about his competence. Remember that they’re just high school normal kids who are playing in pc. bruh, cut some slack
im clueless… what happened to yvette? the princess that bullies alice (red haired)?
The empress dowager sent her a rotten cake (after princess Alice got sick), which was meant to be a threat. So yvette and her mom "disappeared" from the Palace.. at least that's what I got from the translation