Am i the only one who thinks this is so confusing and all over the place like I love the premise but I keep getting confusedddd

Not at all! This is one of my favorites. So basically in the beginning there is a high school reunion where Myeong and Seonho meet each other again. This is in the present. Then there goes to a few flashbacks of their high school days. The whole story switches from the present to the past when they were in school. I think that was the main confusing part. So during the reunion, Myeong sees that Seonho is wearing a ring and goes outside to smoke. (He probably is upset because he thinks Seonho is married. We see in the beginning that Myeong only went to the reunion to see Seonho again.) (Also, it never really mentions why Seonho is wearing the ring. I think it’s just to keep women from asking him out.) So when it flashes back to when they were in high school, we see that Myeong was kind of a loner and he also had bad lungs ( I think he had a hole in one). Seonho would always help Myeong out whenever he needed to go to the nurses office. And then we see that Seonho was in love with Myeong as well during high school. So basically they both had what they thought was an unrequited love and when they meet up again they have sex obviously. So after that Myeong leaves (probably because he thinks that Seonho is married or because he thinks Seonho would regret it. I think that’s up for interpretation.) But then as Myeong is about to get on the train he realizes that Seonho put the ring on him. Which made him realize that Seonho loved him too. So he goes back to him. Sorry if that was confusing I didn’t realize how hard that would be to explain. If you’re still confused I can help out. There is also an animation to this! If you look up Hyperventilation on google it should pop up. That might also help you understand it better.
Why is a literal dog drawn on paper so attractive to me……