No shade, but when is Phil going to clue in on how off things are? She’s still so convinced that the content of the suspicious book she read in the past are some kind of gospel truth that she can barely acknowledge the fact that her actions have had a butterfly effect and have consequently changed the course of events. Like, please spoil me, the story is interesting but her resignation to a terrible fate she’s likely already prevented through her proactiveness is very depressing.

I think it’s important to note that Hak was one of the closest people to Soowon before all of this happened, just as close as Yona but in a different way. Honestly I’ve also been waiting for some kind of meaningful interaction (since high school like many) between the two of them that specifically references the relationship they had with each other outside Yona. Hak was betrayed just as much as she was in the coup—Soowon tried to kill people he cares for deeply without explanation (and Hak too for getting in the way) . But none of that can erase the fact that they spent their lives together and knew each other well. Yona has similar mixed feelings Hak didn’t know the circumstances behind Soowon’s actions, now that he does, he understands the reasoning behind them and the pressure involved. It doesn’t mean he’s forgiven Soowon, but that he understands enough to be willing to work with him and put hostilities aside temporarily for the sake of that shared past. It’s a really important character moment. Even the conversation they have about the armour is the kind of thing they might have had before. Soowon did terrible things but he was also visibly working just as hard to fix their country for the better (something more obvious now, just as Il’s incompetence is also more evident), which I think is a huge part of why Hak believes could have been different. He just spent months trying to do the same. It never had to be like this. (I’m not forgiving him either, it’s about understanding). Idk what I’m trying to say because I’ve been up all night. Like they had their own thing that was broken by proxy and never addressed it.

They absolutely had to censor some of this because he’s much more violent during this conversation and there is considerably more blood, it makes everything she says despite the pain really impactful but it’s so brutal like this man deserves to absolute worst

Also in the novel she specifically recalls the stable scene in like chapter 14-16 (both) where she brings Izek a whip instead of an apple due to his vague wording and he is like visibly disturbed by the implications of this and tosses it away. He can’t communicate for shit and their relationship was rocky at the time, so it didn’t have the same impact it does now, but it was a specific rejection of that kind of violence in a place she always associated with ab*se. He gave the horses who annoyed him apples instead.

Is it still in vogue if one of the thugs is the princess?? Or is it simply having been mugged? So many (useless) questions. Tbh the fact that the girl was able to shove that much cash in her pocket is pretty impressive. Also Seiyan living up to his Invisible Prince title so much he lost out to overpriced frog meat and grilled starfish on top of that ridiculous farce, tragic really.

I’ve been reading the novel—legally on T*pas so idk where else to find it online—and it’s actually really good. It’s sad how much is lost in translation because the move is so heavy with Catherine’s inner monologue, which is funnier and has a lot more insight into the characters. I recommend reading for sure. Anyway…
Cesare really was putting distance between them because he wanted her to understand things were different now. She could hardly stand being around him on top of being a high-level demon without understand what that actually meant. There is more nuance to this that doesn’t appear in the manhwa—he’s really thrown off by how persistent she is and can’t quite keep up his mask of indifference. He does move on from this but she absolutely calls him out on his bullshit. He could have just communicated this with words. Anyway, blondie really is her servant and, though he hasn’t appeared much, I don’t he’s a love interest. He might be pretty but she is reaaaalllly not into his super masochism. As of now Giovanni is the most valid 2nd male lead
oh i am so glad the artist did that train scene that way—the novel is all catherine’s perspective and she generally takes things in stride, so we never get perspective on how her becoming a great demon might look to others.
THERES A NOVEL ?? do u have a link? <33
There is!! but I’ve been reading it on t*pas and have no idea where to find it online :(
oh :(( thank u anyways !! <3