Nah I’m the same way except I usually remember the details more than what it is and then I eventually get it except when it comes to important stuff then I really don’t remember I usually just have a feeling or I have anxiety reply
When I was like 8 or 9 I went outside to play with my dogs and for some reason my dogs began attacking me which then I began yelling out my siblings names but they couldn’t hear me. The dogs were biting at my neck and my wrists and legs which then began feeling numb. I was crying and I couldn’t yell anymore cause of the dogs biting at my neck a...... reply
Bro I had a weird sexual dream like okay let me tell ya it
I was in a big building that looked like it was broken and was abandoned then there was this thicc and muscular guy and I was “loosening him up” and for some odd reason I thought I had a dick and then I reached down and there wasn’t anything then the dream ended. I love my brain. reply