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LemonPie March 30, 2024 1:02 pm

Like I'm not saying it is right to try and abort the baby without the "mother's" consent, but if there is a significant probability of the mother dying then OFC ABORT THAT THING! Like you can always try another method that won't harm the mother. The dude is an idiot for trying to keep the fetus - it's a unwanted thing forced upon him. Like duuuddddeee

Also, stop blaming the top, he is taking accountability for his actions and trying to fix the situation. Like y'all need to grow up.

    lady eboshi March 30, 2024 5:37 pm

    I don't think so. master is wrong from the start for not telling hwan what was happening and trying to abort the fetus without hwan's permission. the master talks about "taking responsibility", but he is still blind to the wrong actions he has done. he is not taking any responsibility, he is taking control of hwan's life once again. master deserved all the criticism in the comments and continues to deserve it.

    hwan may not have the best mindset to make choices, but it's understandable why he wants to keep the baby since he said he will be miserable if the baby is "killed by master" (that's how he sees it). it's a complicated situation, but after everything hwan has been through, we know why he's now defensive of his autonomy.

    RottenElle March 30, 2024 5:55 pm

    wow emotional intelligence is really low on this one. the one who made a MISTAKE is the ml. the one who FORCED him to get pregnant is the ml. HE is trying to fix a MISTAKE, not the other way around. if the mc FEELS that he wanted that baby even at the risk of dying, that is not HIS FAULT. THE MC PREVENTING THE ML FROM FIXING THE PROBLEM HE CREATED HIMSELF IS NOT HIM BEING STUPID. not even considering all the things he's done that contributed to the mc's decision, just for forcibly making him pregnant, if he dies, that on the ml.

    Just because YOU think that being alive is more important doesn't mean everyone does too.

    Destiny March 30, 2024 6:25 pm

    Okay everything about this comment is gross in my opinion. First off, the baby is both of theirs so they should both have a say in if it lives or dies, but the master took that choice away and decided for himself what was best. Secondly, it Hwan’s body that’s pregnant, so he gets to decide if he is willing to take the risk of dying, and maybe getting ripped apart or eaten. Thirdly, you clearly don’t have your own kids and probably never will because not understanding that fact of sacrifice for another being, and or someone you love, is magical and one of the greatest things you can do. Lastly, you talked about “stop blaming the top” any one who has any decency is going to blame the top and he is the only one to be at fault. Yes, he tried to abort the baby under good intentions, but it wasn’t only his decision to make (as I said before) and he was the one who wanted Hwan to get pregnant in the first place. He basically raped Hwan. The fact that he tried to secretly abort it, is not “taking accountability.” As it’s not a solution that they both came up with, the child isn’t a “problem” to begin with, as Hwan wanted the child, and he never actually admitted what he was doing to the child until he was caught.

LemonPie January 12, 2024 7:59 pm

The real villain was homophobia all along lmao.

Like if Klopf had just not been a closeted, self-hating, prejudice-filled omegaverse equivalent of a gay man then all this could have been avoided.

Like dude, Aeroc likes you and you like him, you both are of good standing (after Klopf got his footing), have power/influence, money...like just be together.

But no, Klopf just has to punish himself and get married to an omega who is just his true love but with a uterus. And then, no doubt, be reminded of him daily by looking at Raphiel. Truly next level sadist.

Also, communication is a great tool in life ;)

P.S. I'm not saying Klopf is the only problem here, what Aeroc did was horrible, although I would argue less so, since he did not intend Raphiel to get murdered - the outcome is what matters in the end, while Klopf tortured and violated Aeroc for years... Somehow I don't feel like the punishment really fit the crime.
The only innocent ones here are the children :(

    JustCallMeApple January 13, 2024 12:47 am

    Pride really played a huge factor in Klopp denying his feelings towards Aeroc. He also felt this sense of inferiority towards Aeroc, if you read the novel in v2, how he paints Aeroc reeks with so much insecurity. Even in v1, he commented despite going through all that suffering, Aeroc was still beautiful like a luxurious doll.

    Aeroc was out of his league from the beginning. He hated everything about what Aeroc had. He said that if Aeroc was an omega he would do everything to make Aeroc his, but back pedaled that how can he be with a man like Aeroc. Even his description of his clients how a lot of them were arrogant, he doesn’t know them, but he has so much to say.

    He didn’t know Aeroc. But because he had this strange desires, it was easier to hate Aeroc. Raphael was this kind and sweet omega, while Aeroc was this arrogant perverted alpha.

    He settled with Raphael for stability. Since he looks like Aeroc, he thought that his inappropriate feelings would go away. When it didn’t he needed an outlet for his frustrations and taunting Aeroc became his game. He described that if he married Raphael, he would have a boring but peaceful life, I guess it was so peaceful he just wanted to make it spark. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Aeroc committed a great sin that’s what ultimately dragged him down. Reading the whole novel made me frustrated for Aeroc. He was a really decent person before meeting Klopp. He was just misunderstood by a lot of people because of his polite fake smile and sometimes cold demeanor. The problem really stemmed from how his dad raised him after his papa’s death. You cannot show weakness, you cannot show emotions… it’s unhealthy. Bottling all that emotions will explode on your face. That impulsive decision to scare Raphael and to end his life by subjecting himself the same way…

    Communication is really key. But it would take a long time for Aeroc to open up, because he doesn’t even tell things to his closest family figure.. how can he easily open up to someone hostile to him like Klopp. When Klopp said where are all this tears coming from, it’s like a dam broke. Aeroc was only able to say his feelings because he was in such a bad state, when he finally saw himself crying… he felt relieved that Klopp will finally know that he was also hurting.

    The victims here are really Raphael, his child, his family (who didn’t get their closure), Aelock (if only Klopp let him go and didn’t antagonized him it wouldn’t have happened.) and Aelock’s children… oh and the butler (he was unfairly dismissed, with no recommendation letter and maybe no pay. To be struggling at an old age. He stayed with Aeroc because he was like a son or grandson to him.)

    All the revenge did was cause more hurt. Klopp lost two of his partners because of his pride, cruelty and selfishness. And his children, when they learn the truth about their conception and the fate of their mother. The horrors and trauma, Klopp will leave them after his death is irreparable.

    fatum_7 January 13, 2024 1:20 am


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