yforever125's feed

I changed my mind about liking this despite being a harem.
Ive come to my senses. The pt of this story is that mc is an extreme scumbag. There's barely any redeeming quality. I feel sorry for the women he's intentionally manipulated down into a dark path, and the future women too. If scumbag mc is what you enjoy then this story is really solid, but the emotional manipulation(/highkey abuse) and gaslighting of these women is a lot, and it makes me sad because there are many being emotionally abused like this in real life. Especially the part where mc puts the gaslighting dial to the max when yandere clearly caught him having an affair. I read some novel spoilers and there's more of that treatment to come.

I still stand by what i said about the love interests being op and talented. But im not gonna glorify the MC's abuse anymore :,(