yforever125's feed

yforever125 asked a question


Idk exactly what type of recs I'm looking for so I'll just list some things I like about this. it's alright if your rec only has one or a few of what I'm listing:
1. A seme who chooses to be a silly goofy guy but is actually intimidating.
2. A seme who is strong but tries his best to be gentle
3. Perfectionist uke with a mask
4. Rivals (laced with sexual tension) to lovers
5. you can feel their tension, attraction and chemistry through every interaction, even when theyre just acquaintances (like this seme's interest in the uke starting all the way back to that first drinking get-tgt)
6. Uke tries to do difficult things on his own but in the end learns he can trust his friends to protect him
7. Likeable secondary characters (like the chairman's daughter, the coffee guy, uke's work team, even the stalker grew on me)