Its not that i think that the author would do anything weird with the child ml but i literally hate that taehyuk raised his future lover from "childhood" (or the dragon equivalent) and honestly, i dont want to be remind of it :(

he's not a kid he just turned into that form becuz it's the first human form he saw. they didnt do anything until he was in adult form. he has already lived for a while even before taking a child form. and even after all of this y'all still reading, and that is the weird thing, were nearing the ending if y'all find it weird and doesnt allign with your fictional morals or whatever then how the heck did u reach this chapter?

watching kids grow up and teaching them basic things (even tho that kid is not really a child and not really a human) and then a twist of fate had you married in the future doesnt in any way is similar to emotional gaslighting and lots and lots of manipulation and abuse in a grooming scenario. grooming is a serious real life issue, it just doesnt happen to every couple who met when one is a child. there's a power imbalance, also as i said there's gotta be lots of manipulation, lying, isolation, there's also a history with the adult grooming the child. i dont think anything in the story that tells me the mc is a groomer, he just genuinely treated the dragon as a companion, when he was a kid he thought of him as kid he should care for without malice, he never in any way thought of him as marriage prospect when he was a child, he doesnt have a history of being a sicko, pedo or sexually attracted to young people. he wanted to get away with his obsessive brother and it just so happens that the dragon who took the form of a kid is the only person left in that village, theyre literally the only creature there. he doesnt see the child and immediately thought, "he's attractive and he's vulnerable right now so i should take advantage of it, manipulate him into thinking this whole deal with us is normal and isolate him to the world and ravage him", there's absolutely no line like this in the whole story. i get it, y'all see a couple that met as an adult and a kid and immediately your brain goes in that direction, you might wanna check yourself first. if you have time to analyze the morality of a fictional story maybe you have time to actually do a real life effort to advocate for child abuse and women's right, block and boycott rapist celebs and actual real life groomers and pedos. thank you

girl.. I didn't say anything about him grooming or manipulating the mc.. I said it was weird and I still find it weird. If you get it then you understand why people find it weird.. he met him when he was a child and yes I know he didn't have any feelings like that when he was young but its odd that he grew up and they started doing it and I do boycott rapists and advocate for children and womens rights ! you sound dumb as hell hope this helps! Wrote that long ass paragraph to be loud and wrong. I didn't mention grooming, or pedophilia .. YOU brought that up. Telling me to check myself baby check yourself.

Wow I'm so glad that I skipped over the side story entirely. I just wasn't really vibing with it and the weird hinting at the brother being a bit too interested in dojun was uh weird.
Reading these comments it seemed I dodged a bullet so I'm happy. This is like my forth time rereading it and I feel so lucky that I didn't invest any time into the side story lol.
Wish we got more of taehan and doyun with their baby though T_T

So I took a peak at the raws a while ago and from what I could work out, things are about to go kinda 0-100 pretty fast.
Don’t get me wrong, I fucking love this story so much but I don’t think we should be expecting slow paced romance from here on out… it looks like it’s gonna continue as a story that you kinda turn off your brain and enjoy the fluff when it comes if that makes sense ^^;

The raws, as was asked: https://boylove.cc/home/book/index/id/12210

For the people who are a little confused, the uke was leaning on a pile of boxes, telling the top to stop because, you know, they’re in the middle of work and he kinda fell back because the boxes slid back. The top snaps out of it and, I think, feels bad for being so jealous and pushing himself on the uke so distances himself.
Correct me if I’m wrong!

Hey uploader person! Just wanted to let you know to ignore the disgusting hateful comments being directed at you.
We understand things happen, and it’s lovely that you take time out of your day, with there being no reward for you, to translate this for us.
As much as I really love this story, I hold no ill will if you can’t upload everything on time!
Thank you for you’re hard work!
This has to be one of the funniest mangas i've ever read. A little dated and problematic but HILARIOUS! If you are familiar with bl at all, i would recommend. Just a genuinely fun time. Idk who did the translations but they really nailed the humour so well.