I read from chapter 1. And start to cry from that chapter until last chapter. Please everyone, when u love someone please treasure him/her honestly. Because u never know when will the last time u saw them. Please shower them with never ending love
Im hurting because of this story. It well made tbh. Some people will just judge you and make bad rumor. Some will trust u. Some will bully you. And the one that get the effect is the one that had been rumoured. This is reality guys. This is reality
This is why we need to ask that person before assuming something. Rumors can make a life gone. Think before we talk before someone get depressed because of a rumor that not relate to that person
I read from chapter 1. And start to cry from that chapter until last chapter. Please everyone, when u love someone please treasure him/her honestly. Because u never know when will the last time u saw them. Please shower them with never ending love