i read this long ago and fell in love with jou...this manga always felt bittersweet and nostalgic to me... i believe the mc deserved someone better than azuma (am i the only one who really dislikes him?) & even shipped him with the short childhood friend

I don't completely dislike Azuma, but I was getting really tired if his 'always dodging the question and avoiding the situation' bullshit, honestly. I felt really sorry for the mc, tbh.

Well Azuma may have been hurting Jou with his attitude but you two don't seem to remember that Jou fled to the States FOR THE EXACT SAME REASON that Azuma now cops his own attitude. I totally understand why Takayama felt the need to do so, though, which is why I understand Azuma's reaction, NOW.

me too. he takes jou for granted, it seems.
This was getting so good! But just as it was getting to the juicy bit it ended :'(((
Pleease don't let it end here translators!!! Please :'((
Also the undercover/infilitrating high school thing is totally up my alley!!Love that trope.