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sapphire876's topics ( All 4 )

sapphire876 April 7, 2021 2:22 am

This was getting so good! But just as it was getting to the juicy bit it ended :'(((
Pleease don't let it end here translators!!! Please :'((

Also the undercover/infilitrating high school thing is totally up my alley!!Love that trope.

amber79 October 18, 2017 8:23 am

Is this manga going to be updated? :) I love stories like this! Please tell me someone will pick it up again?? XD

sapphire876's questions ( All 2 )

sapphire876 April 3, 2021 12:39 pm

OK, first off, thank you site staff for taking care of the problems!
So glad it's back! BUT one thing that's still not back for me (After mannyyy months) is the visibility of the likes!

Anyone else got this problem?
Is there a way to fix this? I love this site, and being able to use & see the like/dislikes made things soo much sweeter....

Is it just me?? Would love if this issue was resolved too :/

sapphire876 February 10, 2020 9:35 am

I've been dying to reread this but I didn't save it. T.T The plot was like this boy is in love with this father figure in his life who works for his father, his mother died, and he has a stepmom and baby brother. It's a historical european setting and his father is some crime boss or sth. anyway, for those that have read it it is a tragedy and there is a big reveal in the end. (the boy gets jealous and sets in motion events which lead to the tragic outcome) the art was good as well. wish I could find the mangaka & see if they wrote anything else!

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