I only opened the first chapter but I coudnt help but laugh at that blue haired dude. He looks like a hammer head shark, ok ima continue reading.
Is it me or is he taller then I expected, like I didn’t expect him to be towing over her. I thought he was a bit on the short end, or maybe he just spontaneously grew but seems to be the same height when he’s a the red haired dude
I bookmarked this and took it off my reading ever since that real one was introduced just so when I remember this manhwa I come back just to read the comments and see if it’s at a good place to start reading again, cuz I know it will just make me mad reading the villains getting their way and waiting for updates
U have to live with your 7th picture
All these comments cheering for him to get raped while he is in his right mind is crazy
U have to live with your 7th picture