Looks interesting
I’m so like what just happened that’s too fast u went from hating and doubt him to let’s have “gentle sex” which is totally going to be a lie and why is dobin so idioticly cute( ̄∇ ̄")
me taking a lap Rn ♀
I love how this is not cliche but to much drama ima come back when this is completed
I’m sorry but I’m team Cain unless this dude learns what character development is he’ll be shit in my eyes#teamcain
Hold up... that’s pretty smart( ̄∇ ̄")
So he got a family meal and the dessert he eating better then muzan
Man he’s almost as good as Reiner he should get an Oscar
lmaaoo don't remind me that impostor ┗( T﹏T )┛
Honestly I lost count of how many times I come back to read this it’s just so good
Looks interesting