People who probably read this would think that Tanaka will be in a romance with one of the hostess but I'm glad that this story does not focus in romance, instead reality. Although we come to read manga to escape the harshness of reality, but staying ignorant about it leaves the suffering and corruption unheard.
Mr. Tanaka dude probably had something bad happen to him that he had to work at a hostess club/bar, but he is lucky to have a stable mindset and knows how to judge and how to control his emotions. He probably knows that being sad about his situation won't do anything, instead focus on working hard to achieve his goals.
The entertainment industry is really messed up especially for women. There are women who had no choice but to work in bars where most men are misogynistic that end up with bad physical and mental health which also worsens their own problems. I think it is good that Mr. Tanaka dude was able to lend a helping hand seeing that there are other possibilities to solve their problem although it is hard to escape it.
Idk, this story hits me in a different way. There are not a lot of people who would help people through communication and counselling. People usually think with problems like that, money can solve it. I like money, but it does not last long until someone tells me a way to earn or save where it can keep me financially stable. We need more people like Mr.Tanaka dude, I also need my own Mr. Tanaka dude!

This got me curious what "things" the sister did, highkey think it's something sus. Probably why he thinks that it is okay for him to get raped by the seme.
Also, although it is rape and rape is bad, I don't think some peeps here should fully complain about people reading stuff about rape and calling them nasty when it is in a work of fiction. There was a warning and if it ain't your tea sis, you are free to leave. Imma point it out that that those manga with the large age gap in general genre isn't my cup of tea (i know age gap is not wrong and not as bad as rape; also i do know pedos exist) so i just don't read it. If I can do that, you guys can do it too. Rant if it's a story that doesn't go as promised.
Also hope goes well for this story. I feel that there will be a rainstorm. Hoping for rainbows to appear at the end
(lol sorry for bad english but i somewhat felt like i gotta put this out. lol dont kill me)

I kinda understand the ex feelings. For some reason i feel like he truely likes her; was trying to impress her but doesnt know how to probably it was his first time but to show to his friends that he is a man and that he is cool and shit, he had to lie with a boast that he kissed her, and she heard but i still think that he doesnt know what to do besides being rough with her. Idiot ex decides to do that probably he is trying to lie about his feelings. I think he knows it was wrong but idiot still tries to go along with it. Maybe to show off that hes a man idk.
I felt that the girl was half heartedly dated the ex but then got slowly attracted to him but after hearing a lie coming out from his mouth and got "victimised" by the poor idiots actions , she obviously got hurt inside. But like for me i see her as an idiot too because if i were her i would still try to talk with the dude how i would feel asap bc waiting after one whole fucking year wouldnt make him change. Also i feel like dating a dude because you feel that you relate to his love life is kinda weird in her case. Like i feel sorry for current bf because i feel sad that he got dragged to this shit without even knowing it. Exboi and MC didn't even properly broke up. Im like speechless because of how pissed i am at the fact that both the exboi and MC being idiots. But then i feel like if the girl was honest with their feelings sooner and not be a wimp it would be more bearable to read and the exboi would change a bit at least and not became a tad bit crazy....
This shit is scary to read... Moral I've learned to far:- be true to yourself and to others before misunderstandings come.
and rn idk what i have just commented on sorry lol. Lol i feel sorry for both the boys more than the girl tbh.
I like the color of the sky of a clear sky.
I like the sound by which the rain on the day when it rains falls.
I like a pink rose.
I like a white gladiolus.
oh yes, reading this made me know something about healing powers
10/10 poetry
I don’t understand.. she read something like that in the library??
hint: it's in chapter 20 lol
....... I- I have been enlightened (✷‿✷)