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PetitFae May 13, 2021 5:19 am

...meanwhile, I'm here trying to figure out how the hell Sunny learned about rope bondage and was able to execute it perfectly.

PetitFae January 9, 2021 6:03 am

The thing that bothers me the most with this is the skin colour change.
Ethan is presented as a brown-skinned man and suddenly becomes pale as a vampire. First, of all, that is not realistic. Vampires exist in folklore around the world. If you were to go on the folklore where they are undead people, why would they all be white? Why would they only have pale skin? You realize black and brown people die too right? Do you think that our melanin just leaves our bodies when we die?
Don't come and talk about it being a manhwa. Ethan has brown skin. Point blank. Plus everyone has Western names, so it's not as if this is set in Korea--where there are more than just pale people. Korean people are diverse just like everyone else. There are Korean people who don't have pale skin.
So, arguments about it being a manhwa or that vampires need to have pale skin are bull shit.
Blood Link is a manhwa with vampires and it manages to maintain the melanin of its brown-skinned vampires. Blade is a story with a black vampire. Even fucking Twilight had a black vampire (although Stephanie Meyer is racist intentionally made the only black main character a villain--she's really gross for so many reasons).
This is whitewashing. If this wasn't a factor, I wouldn't even be writing this huge thing, but people either want to make excuses for the author or don't know what whitewashing is. The author isn't stupid. Why did you even make Ethan have brown skin in the first place?! Brown skin is not a costume or makeup you put on and take off. It's like Ethan is walking around performing a watered-down minstrel show until he takes off his mask to be a stereotypical pale vampire.

    Wade_yourmom January 9, 2021 6:49 am


PetitFae's questions ( All 1 )

PetitFae July 6, 2020 5:36 am

I'm really curious to see if there are many people out there that have series that they love but won't reread. Usually, when you love something, you would want to re-experience it. Avoiding something you like is not as common. So I am eager to see how many people have read a series like this and the reasons that they feel this way.

    yumiko July 6, 2020 5:39 am

    solo levelimg

    Mengjia July 6, 2020 5:46 am

    If I reread my favorite manga/hwa while still having the memories of how amazing it was, it won't get as exciting as I felt when I read it for the first time. So usually I read it once and reread it again after sometime passes when I don't remember a thing about the story.

    Truvaile July 6, 2020 5:47 am

    Hmm good question.. well I just don’t like rereading the same thing because I already know how the plot is going to be. It’s like rewatching a good movie. I wouldn’t want to sit through 2-3 hours of something I already watched, despite knowing how much I enjoyed it. I lose the excitement of it, and I don’t want to overwrite my first experience. I’ve done this with numerous manga/manhwa, can’t remember the titles though. Although I will go back to certain scenes that I really liked and save screenshots of pictures I liked. I won’t reread the whole story again though. To me, it’s a treasure that I am satisfied with cherishing. Just a good memory that I would like to preserve in my head.

    BubblyBee July 6, 2020 5:55 am

    too sad to reread, sometimes messed up sad stuff that was good with the what if factor; I will then read and become sad and be like thinking why all the damn time and then try and forget it; yeah

    Tensai chuan desu July 6, 2020 5:57 am

    I used to reread my favorite mangas all the time and feel the emotion again and all. but now... Idk i cant seem to enjoy it when i reread mangas...maybe I'm getting old...

    LinaBubs July 6, 2020 6:21 am
    solo levelimg yumiko

    Just curious why wont you reread it? When I first read it, I remember going straight back to the beginning right after I was caught up with the newest chapter. I reread it again recently since it was the end of the season so i think its been three times for me lol

    yumiko July 6, 2020 8:27 am
    Just curious why wont you reread it? When I first read it, I remember going straight back to the beginning right after I was caught up with the newest chapter. I reread it again recently since it was the end of... LinaBubs

    honestly it gets boring after rereading it after you finish

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Takunn February 11, 2021 4:50 am

You enlighten me sm

28 yo | He/They | Black | Neurodivergent + Disabled | Queer (Nonbinary Ace demi-panromantic/biromantic)
| Animist

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