Nin created a topic of Jinx

9/11 never forget

Nin created a topic of Kesshoku Impulse

Anyone got raws?

Nin created a topic of The Way to Kill You

Yknow when u wanna introduce ur friends to your biggest interests, and you know they will totally enjoy it, but they dismiss it bc they dont believe you / procrastinate picking up new content for years? Like dude idk about your list of 200+ series youre yet to read, THIS IS THE ONE!!!

Nin created a topic of The Way to Kill You

I gotta make fanart asap.. I want more ppl to know about my favorite story

Nin created a topic of The Way to Kill You

I believe Wooyoung would have attempted suicide regardless if Seojin had followed him.. is it really to let her have revenge, or to keep less of a guilty conscience by triggering her into committing a crime? I think he just didnt wanna be alone. He still has the heart of a child.

Everything since the beginning was foreshadowing and symbolism, even down to the title.. knowing that, yet it still hurts seeing these two people handle their unresolved feelings in destructive ways. Im sure theyll have a happy ending, somehow

Nin created a topic of Moretones

This was a hard read, so many loose threads, but im a sucker for twisted stories like this.. just wish there was a better translation

Nin created a topic of Love in Orbit

I understand him completely.. my relationship with my father is similar. I finally cut him off for good, but for the longest time, we had this on and off again thing where he guilts me back into his life, and I regret it every time.. its so hard when your dad has problems, and you know its his fault, but you cant help but feel indebted or sorry for the old lonely man. It takes a lot of willpower to keep these people away.

Nin created a topic of Hwang Young's Misery

Darlinggg please come back

Nin created a topic of Slammer Dogs

I need to learn more abt him

Nin created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Im such a big fan of "gross" scenes, i should bookmark this

Nin created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Omg I love the MC's comedic punk attitude.. and he really has grit. Ponytail guy is an intriguing character! He doesnt seem like an inherently bad person. Socially awkward massage therapist has a strange charm to him. I think this might become one of my fav manhwas. (Plus chapter 8 was insanely hot??)

Nin created a topic of Jinx

Does mingwa have a fetish for putting dan in these situations?

Nin created a topic of Love in Orbit
Nin created a topic of Waterside Night

Him abandoning Euiyoung is an unforgivable action, but I cant help but feel sympathetic. My own mother was absent for a large part of my life, but she always wanted to have a relationship with me. Victim to circumstances. I can tell Euiyoung's dad loves him and wouldnt have put him through that if he had a better choice. If I recall correctly, dad is similar to his brother in age, so that'd mean he was a young parent too? It was ultimately the brother who stepped up despite having to go through hell, but lets be honest, not all of us are capable of doing the "noble" thing. I wish for Euiyoung's dad to reconcile with him in the future, if Euiyoung chooses so.

Nin created a topic of One Summer Day
Nin created a topic of The Way to Kill You

"You'll be punished" Its tragic, Wooyoung got his revenge.. I hear the raws are complete, I wonder how this will end? I feel so bad for Yebin