So I’m looking for a manga that puts a guy with a big dick together with a son of a prostistute that abused and used him illegally when he was a kid and so since he continued to do that line of work he’s the only one that can handle it. I keep thinking it’s called MaMaToTo because the title plays off of the MC’s names but I can’t remember
So first, how to contact a scanlator, and secondly, can we normalize not only explaining where the fanart is from but also giving credit to the artist? I know some scanlators upload fanart with the manga and i want to become a scanlator myself (though I’m confused on the website how) but the one that took up Angel Buddy doesn’t credit the artist that do the fanart at the end and all they said at the end of the latest update was that the fanart was hard to find, which is all the more reason to reverse search and find the artist. (3 questions i guess)
TLDR: should scanlators credit fanartists, how to become a scanlator, how to find/contact scanlators
EXTRA: reccommend some “ugly” guy and popular guy. There’s one with glasses that I can’t remember but I’ve seen Yoshida and never understand.
Hello! Depending on the scanlator/uploader you can contact them in multiple ways: either mailing them by finding their account (you can only find their account if they comment or something that tells you that they uploaded it because otherwise there is nothing directly tying accs to uploads) or some uploaders (like DED for Angel Buddy) will have a list of things they're uploading
If they're a larger scan group like Rose Squad Scans or Hero Scans then they have an account you can message them on
As for your extra request: http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangalist/665842/
1) oh absolutely everyone should credit artists every time, the only case I can see where you wouldn't is if you're like if you're using manga panels. It's kinda disheartening that some people don't understand that
2) you can become a scanlator by learning the three basic skills: translating, cleaning, and typesetting if it's untranslated works.
3) you can contact scanalators by looking their group name up online, they usually have like a website or tumble with contact information!
This is a positive tone post btw :))
The missing chapters that I’ve seen people talk about in the topics probably refer to when the main character with the black hair goes up behind the silver haired brother and asks “guess who it is”. From then on the special happened and (even though I liked the special) it doesn’t make narrative sense to go from meeting the silver haired family and the possible confusion the main character has to getting caught in the main characters house by the main character’s dad. I’m just letting you guys get a general gist of what people are referring to when they say chapters were skipped, regardless of where the translations or the raws came from. :))