Avi created a topic of Just Listen to the Song

Nah that girl ain't it bro..!! I'd switch seats so fast as soon as she sits down beside me lol

Avi created a topic of Lilith 2

I have already read the first part and now here I am again...I was reading it when it had just started.... didn't get to finish it...just tell me who ended up together?? did she end up with the student or the chairwoman?? And what happened to the whoever ended up alone??

Avi created a topic of Wistoria’s Wand and Sword

They killed Julius off like bro was a npc ....I'm literally hoping that was a high level ice clone like Rosti...because these fuckers are acting way too chill for someone whose friend was just murdered..

If donut sensei can survive...so can he right? Right??RIGHT???

It was going all good with the fight and idea was actually good but they fumbled it with the execution....The tree gained unimaginable powers and evolution points mid fight lmao...If the little blackie is actual owner of system and he gave a bit of his power to that girl / humanity then she shouldn't have the power that's much greater than the original owner...and she gave the power of darkness lmao...darkness is a species as they said not a power lol so how she just gift him lolo???

Avi created a topic of Futanari no Elf

Well it was intended to be Harem from the start and we knew it was coming....but the author could treat Tansho a lil better imo...girls just getting pity sex or noticed at this point lol...they have magic to take huge dicks in but don't have one to enlarge it??

Girl was splashing her dick in her own cum lol...feels bad for her... hope the mother-daughter duo fuck her brains out ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

Avi created a topic of Demon Evolution

If plot armour was a character, it would be that Darkness Eight-Finned Queen or whatever....and what's with over sexualisation?? Bro where are her clothes ...her clothes are missing all at the right parts where it should be covered lmao...and also so much censoring...like bro atleast let us enjoy the fight scenes

Avi created a topic of Vagabond

I have been wanting to read it for a really long time now but always said too many chapters or save the best for last...and now finally I read it and it was worth the wait and anticipation.....

But where's the rest of it?? Is there any continuation, anything would do...is there a light novel or book or something?? If there is, please tell me ╥﹏╥

I think at this point Asumi is pretty happy with whatever is going on in her life....Mai should just go away as she is planning already for her sake too....
This is not a romance manga so I don't want a drama either lol.....I mean friends working at a brothel, mc is going to brothels and now she gets a FWB....lmao

Avi created a topic of One-punch Man

Now that's how a new Arc should start ....and loving the gore ....that shit looked fricking horrific!!

Now this is some serious shit....Nice insta find lol

Avi created a topic of King of the Night

These are just always waste of a good art....bro I get it, you wanna enjoy your fantasies but can't you make them loyal, having fun with their own partners??? ....I think that would get them more reach lol

Avi created a topic of The Hole is Open

Why is this shit still on the homepage????

Avi created a topic of No One Will Be Rewarded

Rikka, when you love someone, you don't fuck other people.....Nanami, knowingly sabotaging you crush's relationship?(kinda grey area, can't totally blame her)......Yae, good she rejected that POS (eh not enough info about her)

Avi created a topic of Mercenary Enrollment

How tf is her face still intact like that, being so gorgeous, despite being in the camp??....Like the top dogs of the camp 001 or 002 these guys faces were always bruised and not getting enough sleep, malnourished etc....like look at 005, girl looks so done with the whole thing

Was this some sort of fetish or something..how do you even play with someone like that??

Avi like the answer
I did have an owl its name was Pinpin. She passed a month ago, I still havent recovered from what I have been through.. she was a smart girl, anywhere I go she always follows but that night idk whats wrong she didn't answer my call and kept hiding under a table, I saw her still looking healthy but after some hours my brother called me and found her......
Avi created a topic of Nano Machine

dude I swear this guy gains secret powers like scattered stones on a path....if this dude were to suck someone's dick he'd gain some kinda power from that too....