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thekittygirl24 January 3, 2024 1:54 pm

I cried so hard when he passed away, right when it was done and his dream of it being anime. My heart goes out to his team and family, and was glad we got something wonderful while he was still here (=・ω・=)

    NightOwl26 January 5, 2024 3:56 pm

    Well the author of Solo Leveling is still alive, it was the illustrator who passed away but yea it's still super sad that he died. When I saw the message for the first time on Tappytoon I cried. He's such a talented artist. Talk about unexpected

    thekittygirl24 January 5, 2024 8:48 pm
    Well the author of Solo Leveling is still alive, it was the illustrator who passed away but yea it's still super sad that he died. When I saw the message for the first time on Tappytoon I cried. He's such a tal... NightOwl26

    Thank you for that clarification because I thought it was the author. My condolences to the illustrators family, such a skillful individual R.I.P

    NightOwl26 January 5, 2024 8:56 pm
    Thank you for that clarification because I thought it was the author. My condolences to the illustrators family, such a skillful individual R.I.P thekittygirl24

    No worries!! I'm pretty sure I thought the same as well but then I ended up looking it all up cause I wanted to know how the illustrator had passed

thekittygirl24 July 18, 2021 4:27 pm

I do have to say the extras for these compared to other mangas that leave from the main stroyline. Are very satisfying, in my opinion. Like for other ones, I really be hating getting a bunch of extras that's boring, and only want the main storyline.

Although For Finder, I'm satisfied with either or. And I don't know why, it's just very fulfilling and this is just my opinion.

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Yoonbum should fucking join him 01-13 18:06

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