where you see that can you please send it

http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3078092579 Ch.25 raw It'a Japanese version on Chinese site.
Vol.5 raw can be downloaded from http://pan.baidu.com/s/1sj5P6uL 请输入提取码:utba Password:zntgxhw509232015

What should I type in the box that appears after I type in the username and password?

Actually there's no username so I have no idea about what actually happened...
http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4184738354 I wrote a little tutorial.Hope you can understand my poor English.....

Thank u very much for the tutorial! And your English is fine. I can understand it perfectly.

Sadly it dosent work anymore...its looked - I want it so much-....please some how has it downloaded, can you reup it on a other host and post it? :)

I really want it, too bad it doesn't work anymore. Could you please give another link? I'd really appreciate it ;_;

its still works Oo u have to click on th eimage and use either scroll or right side of the picture to navigate-.-
Sorry for spoiler:
Ichijyou was jealous,he kissed Kagura again,in bed,with his shirt off..... and had a hit on his head. ( ̄へ ̄)It looks painful.