
h1s0c0ck January 25, 2021 4:23 pm

story is just to mediocre and luckluster... the uke is so irrational and seme is just too possessive. ive stopped reading thoroughly on the last half and skimmed through towards ending.. man, this could be better if they didn't ended up together and be better on their own or an open ending with something like that. the story is too detached to what a normal healthy mind really is in real life. meh

    ✨ s o o t s p r i t e ✨ January 26, 2021 3:03 am

    i agree i can't say the plot is top tier. i mean it could've if they handled it properly. but regardless i still find myself rereading the story

    Dg♡Alex February 14, 2021 12:15 pm

    My point excatly! Love and Lust are different categories.