She wasn't even fat. And there are rules you have to follow. No matter what she weighs, you always tell her that she's light as air. Even if she's a hippo. (had to quote Bleach) He didn't have to tell her that she was heavy. .-. Cute nonetheless.
I don't think you have to ssy that. I would be comforted by the fact that he's honest to tell me the truth even if it hurts. In the end, he can always say something like, "Yes, you're heavy, but that's not a problem to me." I think it's sweeter that way
She wasn't even fat. And there are rules you have to follow. No matter what she weighs, you always tell her that she's light as air. Even if she's a hippo. (had to quote Bleach) He didn't have to tell her that she was heavy. .-. Cute nonetheless.