this is most likely gonna have a happy ending but...

DLPickle January 24, 2021 4:56 pm

kimmin has definitely got some screws loose,,,

he's been willing to spend thousands of dollars on a person he never met, didn't get mad when catfished, didn't get mad when he got hit in the face with the door twice, continuously tried to meet up even though he was told many times "no", visited the school of kyuyeon's sister to try and find him, and then later on continued to physically fight many people including family just because kyuyeon was nice to him in a game????

also he isolates kyuyeon to the point where he doesn't have any casual friends, can't play games online unless they know he's in a relationship, and is afraid to hang out with others because "kimmin will get upset"

like I know this is a webcomic but it promotes many scary things as romantic, irl kimmin would be a stalker and probably have a restraining order against him because of his delusions for this person he barely knows. recognize unhealthy behavior in relationships.

i liked this story because it isn't real, but don't think that this stuff is okay in real life. please be safe :(

    Simmie January 24, 2021 5:15 pm

    Yeah for us we can differentiate fiction and reality but I believe there people out there who would start romanticizing these kind if things irl. I mean if this happened to me in real life , I would run for my life !!

    Derpsy January 25, 2021 12:33 pm

    It's only funny because it's a webtoon, but I definitely found it annoying how yandere-like Kimin was being. All of his actions were the definition of toxic and not endearing at all. The only time that Yorong mentioned it was in ch. 33 when he says that Kimin doesn't respect him, but then it's played off because Yorong feels bad for neglecting Kimin.

    Tomato uwu January 25, 2021 6:37 pm

    So true bestie !! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    pandisosoft January 25, 2021 7:03 pm

    Their relationship has slowly been getting better though, now I feel that Kyuyeon is able to do more things then at the start of their relationship, but it doesn’t change the fact that Kimin is still very possessive which I personally like (In a Manhwa ofc)