
MilkyRose丂乇❀ January 24, 2021 12:00 pm

Holy crap there’s so much hate for the seme... I mean i get we’re your all coming from but damn... that was the past he was gonna let him break it off, though the Uke did just stay with him to not become like his dad. He did get feeling for the seme later on, and to the people saying he should just be with the fated mate no offense but, the hell? I get he’s probably better off cause he didn’t force him or anything but, dude... he knew they were mates and still tried to go in between them.. the uke even said he could trust him.. and the seme tried but he knew that the fated mate was.. well fated mate. That’s why he was so insecure.. I don’t know what else to say but, ima gonna just leave this here and hear your opinions... I love Asuza, I think he deserved better. He was desperate, he loved him.. yet he was getting treated like a tool, and getting used. He loved him his whole life..also at the end you could see him becoming miserable because he knows it would be better if the uke went with the fated mate...to people saying the seme is a jerk, he did one thing out of desperation and he becomes a jerk after that? He also give him a chance to leave him, though like I said he only came back out of spite to not become his dad. But seriously did you Klimt see the part we’re he said he needed him? And was lonely without him?? I can see he gained feeling in the earlier chapters, why can’t you? Just- ugh, like I said ima just leave this here and you can give me your opinion.. though nothing can change my mind...

    MilkyRose丂乇❀ January 24, 2021 12:08 pm

    Lol this is the first time I had a serious comment.. I just think it’s really unfair.. like tf? The uke was the epitome of “jerk

    Fart January 25, 2021 3:16 pm

    Somebody gets it (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

    Meri January 26, 2021 3:30 am

    I agree~

    Ruisha January 26, 2021 1:25 pm

    Yes i agree with you, fuck homewreckers!!!

    Soti January 31, 2021 7:45 pm

    Everything you said is the whole truth. You spoke my mind. The Alpha chose to stay with him in the end so why is everyone still holding on to their past when they already let it go and chose to be happy together? It’s like taking painkillers for someone else's headache. Did the Alpha cry to them that he didn't want to be with the Omega anymore? Why are they trying to force his fated pair on him? Is it by force? Ugh!

    Aniel February 2, 2021 11:45 pm

    Like we are talking about rape. It's not something banal. Azusa is manipulator from the very beginning. He is obsessed with Kaeda.
    What choice did he give Kaeda? Be with me forever or leave me? So Kaeda would have to live though his whole life with guilt that somewhere out there is Azusa, who can't mate again, miserable and alone like his mother? Beautiful choices.

    Soti February 2, 2021 11:52 pm
    Like we are talking about rape. It's not something banal. Azusa is manipulator from the very beginning. He is obsessed with Kaeda. What choice did he give Kaeda? Be with me forever or leave me? So Kaeda would h... Aniel

    Okay. Go and drag Kaede out of the story and flog him for falling in love with Azusa regardless of being raped, until he dumps him then. The person that got raped has moved on and is happy with his mate but you’re the one taking painkillers for his headache.

    Aniel February 3, 2021 8:39 am
    Okay. Go and drag Kaede out of the story and flog him for falling in love with Azusa regardless of being raped, until he dumps him then. The person that got raped has moved on and is happy with his mate but you... Soti

    Hmm is that love even? That's the real question. Even in the last scenes his grip was weak as Azusa said. But Azusa's was firm. Rather symbolic.

    Soti February 3, 2021 8:59 am
    Hmm is that love even? That's the real question. Even in the last scenes his grip was weak as Azusa said. But Azusa's was firm. Rather symbolic. Aniel

    Okay. Go and whisper in Kaede’s ear to not grip Azusa at all since his grip is not as strong as Azusa’s. It is clear that Azusa loves Kaede more but that is normal in most relationships. It’s not always 50-50 and that is not taboo. The most important thing is that Kaede chose to be with Azusa and didn't let him go. The fact that he did not run into the arms of his fated pair and abandon Azusa is also proof that he loves him. He might not have your idea of a fierce love but it is love all the same.

    Aniel February 3, 2021 9:39 am
    Okay. Go and whisper in Kaede’s ear to not grip Azusa at all since his grip is not as strong as Azusa’s. It is clear that Azusa loves Kaede more but that is normal in most relationships. It’s not always 5... Soti

    Yes Azusa just gave him two beautiful choices:
    - be with me together
    - or leave me and live with the guilt forever which is triggering the trauma associated with his mother's fate.
    The guilt and responsibility are important factor of their relationship.

    Ruisha February 3, 2021 10:14 am
    Yes Azusa just gave him two beautiful choices:- be with me together- or leave me and live with the guilt forever which is triggering the trauma associated with his mother's fate.The guilt and responsibility are... Aniel

    If you cant accept the fact that these two ended up staying together then gtfo of here. What do you want Kaede to do? Cry to the author he doesnt have much choices? Boohoo

    Aniel February 3, 2021 10:46 am
    If you cant accept the fact that these two ended up staying together then gtfo of here. What do you want Kaede to do? Cry to the author he doesnt have much choices? Boohoo Ruisha

    Lol calm down. I'm just saying how the situation really is, not pretending it's all lovey dovey paradise.

    Aniel February 3, 2021 10:48 am
    If you cant accept the fact that these two ended up staying together then gtfo of here. What do you want Kaede to do? Cry to the author he doesnt have much choices? Boohoo Ruisha

    Such a childlish comment. You don't agree with others' readers pov or you point something in the story which is not to others' liking? gTfO here. Smh

    Soti February 3, 2021 12:10 pm
    Yes Azusa just gave him two beautiful choices:- be with me together- or leave me and live with the guilt forever which is triggering the trauma associated with his mother's fate.The guilt and responsibility are... Aniel

    Are you even listening to yourself? You read the entire manga and this is all you got from it? Did Azusa give him those options or you brought them off the top of your head? Kaede LOVES Azusa, he was upset that Azusa forced him to have sex and also pair with him; sure, but he had to let go of his pride and admit that he loved Azusa when he realized Azusa was gonna leave him. All Azusa said was that Kaede take responsibility and keep to his promise of always being with him cos he did promise never to leave him.
    Yes, he doesn't want to be like his shitty father but that is NOT the only reason why he is with Azusa. He was clearly concerned when he saw Azusa on that hospital bed and he glared at Mao for talking to Azusa when he was affected by his fated pair’s pheromones.
    Azusa mentioned Kaede's weak grip not because Kaede is not in love with him but because Kaede is scared of his instincts and he has decided to be his strength by holding him firmly and being his support.
    At this point, you have refused to see past your own reservations for Azusa but that's fine. They are going to end up together whether you like it or not so I suggest you move on, deal with it and let them be happy. Geez!

    Soti February 3, 2021 12:14 pm
    Lol calm down. I'm just saying how the situation really is, not pretending it's all lovey dovey paradise. Aniel

    No one said it's all lovey-dovey paradise either. We are saying get over yourself and let Kaede choose who he wants to be with and love, which is clearly Azusa. You guys keep bringing up a forced sex and pairing scene that happened since volume 1. Gosh! If this is how God keeps bringing up your sins, would you still even have the breath of life?
    Azusa already apologized and Kaede already forgave him and STILL chose to be with him so what exactly is the color of your problem with all of this?

    Aniel February 3, 2021 12:33 pm
    No one said it's all lovey-dovey paradise either. We are saying get over yourself and let Kaede choose who he wants to be with and love, which is clearly Azusa. You guys keep bringing up a forced sex and pairin... Soti

    Yes but we can't overlook toxiness and how unhealthy the relationship ship and that to the very end Azusa is as manipulative as ever. I can only

    Aniel February 3, 2021 12:35 pm
    No one said it's all lovey-dovey paradise either. We are saying get over yourself and let Kaede choose who he wants to be with and love, which is clearly Azusa. You guys keep bringing up a forced sex and pairin... Soti

    "I'm the only one" etc, the madness and obsession in Azusa's eyes. Etc the fact that their relationship is based on responsibility and guilt. The fact that Kaeda's grip was weak and Azusa's weak in the last scene. It's all important and shouldn't be overlooked or Azusa's rape forgotten.

    Aniel February 3, 2021 12:35 pm
    "I'm the only one" etc, the madness and obsession in Azusa's eyes. Etc the fact that their relationship is based on responsibility and guilt. The fact that Kaeda's grip was weak and Azusa's weak in the last sce... Aniel

    And Azusa's firm*

    Soti February 3, 2021 1:03 pm
    "I'm the only one" etc, the madness and obsession in Azusa's eyes. Etc the fact that their relationship is based on responsibility and guilt. The fact that Kaeda's grip was weak and Azusa's weak in the last sce... Aniel

    You must be a comedian. Did the author or Azusa say his grip was weak because he wasn't okay with the rape or was still tramatized by it? His grip was weak because he was traumatized and scared of his Alpha instincts. He was scared of what happened earlier with his fated pair, which is normal. He clearly said he didn't even want to experience such again. That is why he was shaking. That's why Azusa said he would hold him in his firm grip because he will help and support him to overcome his weakness and fear. Did you overlook that as well?
    Of course, he's the only one who can love Kaede that way, even his own fated pair can't love him like that so what's wrong with what Azusa said.

    Aniel February 3, 2021 1:15 pm
    You must be a comedian. Did the author or Azusa say his grip was weak because he wasn't okay with the rape or was still tramatized by it? His grip was weak because he was traumatized and scared of his Alpha ins... Soti

    The power imbalance in their relationship is mind breaking. Azusa isolated Kaeda from his friends and always painted Kaeda as the bad one, he isolated him from his potential lovers, he manipulated him into bond and raped him. It's not for Kaeda's good. Let's not delusion yourself. Kaeda always has to remind himself of his mother's situation which is truly triggering for him. The key in their relationship is guilt and responsibility.
    And Azusa is obsessed. He raped him. And then has audacity to say how he is pissed about Kaesa nearly biting other side when Kaesa actually didn't have any control meanwhile he, himself planned and raped someone. Azusa is manipulator and obsessed from the very start to the very end. The madness was clear in his gaze and I was talking about grip scene in symbolic sense.
    Azusa even said at the end of volume 1 that Kaeda is really naive.