Hik hik

Shitfaceuuu ┐(´д`)┌ January 24, 2021 11:52 am

Actually I'm a dumb bitch. I don't even understand how this all money laundering works. Especially in 1st couple. I reread this story from the beginning and I just realized that I don't understand the whole situation when they said that the painting and the antiques store they go are used for money laundering works. I'm glad if there's anyone who can explain this for me hahah.

    arii January 25, 2021 12:26 am

    same here I literally read 90Chapters with the main plot about momey laundering and didn’t have a clue how it works...

    Chrome123 January 28, 2021 7:26 pm

    Let me try to explain, usually you can get tax deduction by doing charity or buying something. In this case, buying art is the easiest way to get tax deduction. You can claim you spend 1 million usd on a painting, even though in reality the painting may worth only 1 usd. Fine art industry is full of this. That is why you heard ridiculous things like babana taped on the wall sold for ridiculous price. In reality, it is not about the art, but getting that sweet tax deduction, so you can keep more of your money in your pocket. Real artists get screwed because that is how the current art industry is. Rich people don't care about true art. It is all about money laundering.