He only said he regretted in the moment when Chiwoo announced he didn’t want to see him anymore. So it further proves that he really didn’t regret what he did.
Yeah I’ve seen so many people harass the author for not putting them together which enrages me because I think the story went along as it should have. The author is great for not supporting the toxic relationship.

I’m too worthless to be listened to? Grow the fuck up. What I said in the reply wasn’t at all to offended you, I was just telling you the way you thought on the situation was disgusting. I believe I didn’t see the apology so I sincerely apologize for that, but do not get smart with me. Have a nice day

Yes it wasn’t meant to offend you. I wasn’t calling you a bad or disgusting person or anything. Just on this thread so many has had the same mindset as you to letting Jihyun off the hook so easily. I was explaining to you why exactly you shouldn’t.
Then you said you apologized. Okay cool at least you can see things in another point of view
I'm well aware that Jihyun did a lot of bad things especially to Chiwoo, but why the fuck am I still rooting for Jihyun x Chiwoo?
I must be insane.
But before I kill myself, I would like to mention Jihyun's brother tho, give him the brother of the year award. He put up with all of Jihyun's bs.