My mum Loves this shit after my dad Came out as gay. At first she Didn't like it until I told her to research and Try and Accept it she feel In love With Yaoi and Yuri. I think She's Bisexual Since she Reads yuri Alot more but I'll wait until she tells me. Its Surpising That ya'll Are shocked to me
My mum Loves this shit after my dad Came out as gay. At first she Didn't like it until I told her to research and Try and Accept it she feel In love With Yaoi and Yuri. I think She's Bisexual Since she Reads y... YaoiFan123
My twin is Also into it to so theres no hiding it and Theres no disgust. Only when my Mums bf Comes over and we talk about Lesbain and Gay P*rn and Manga
Not me Sending this to my mother I was Telling her about the Attack on titan dj with Levi and Erwin in a Bdsm Relationship