Uke: the bottom, the one getting it up the ass
Seme: the top, the one giving it up the ass
Fujoshi/fundashi: they are very bad label. It just fetishizes mlm on its own. Don't use it. Just say you read yaoi/bl
BL: an umbrella term used for anything mlm.
MLM: men (who) love men. A non-fetishizing way to refer to gay couples or individuals
Shonen Ai: focuses on the romantic aspects of a mlm relationship, little to no sexual intercourse
Yaoi: Explicit mlm content. Anything where they fuck.
Sub: the submissive person in a relationship. This does not mean that they can't be a seme. They are just submissive
Dom: the dominant person in a relationship. Again, it doesn't mean that they can't be the uke. They're just dominant.
Can someone tell me the definition of the labels too Bl and names... cause i’m i only know rn is: Fujoshi, Uke, Seme.