it is stokholm syndrome at it#s best. The seme is just a shitty manipulative ass who uses the uke, puts him through physical and emotional pain and finds gratification in breaking him while boosting his ego afterwards when the uke tells him that he is still his number one. He manipulates and controls the uke by giving him unclear signs, abusing him and being super cold to him and then showing him affection and "love". The seme wants to have absolute control and power over this human being. The fisting part was just to show how far the seme is willing to go, how far is willing to push the uke to strengthen his hold on him and to control him, how cold he really is and to also show how much the uke is trapped in his warped sense of love and emotional coping mechanism, how deeply implemented the stokholm syndrome is in the duke's life. That even after being put through this hell of physical and emotional pain, after being literally abandoned by the seme he still crawls back to him and be like: I love you even more than before because the more you show me the cold shoulder, the more I'm being abused,, as long as you come back it was all worth it and we both do it out of love. Yes it is fucked up but this also happens in reality and therefore it is really well made in my opinion.
What happened ? how did ended up here ?
Why the heck hit him and make him have sex with others
Why the heck did he put his fist inside
so much questions without answers