
OctoberScorpioGirl January 23, 2021 9:45 pm

I'm at chap 51-52 where Soo-Hyuk just went in zone 6 and clogged off the poison and they were amazed how he wasn't affected by poison like BRUH?! CAN YOU NOT SEE HE'S WEARING A DAMN POISON WIZARD ROBE, OF COURSE HE'S IMMUNE, WHAT IN THE DAMN HAY, and they assumed it was THE legendary sword, smh

    JohnMax January 24, 2021 1:07 am

    Nah, other wiz from the poison tower doesn't have strong poison resistance like soo-hyuk. His poison resistance came from his class iirc

    Yubin_Ginu January 24, 2021 11:30 am

    Soo hyuk is only Immuned cuz Fabian thought him personally (by giving him poison and helping him neutralize it)

    OctoberScorpioGirl March 11, 2021 2:04 pm

    Oooh that makes sense, thank you!