I'm at chap 51-52 where Soo-Hyuk just went in zone 6 and clogged off the poison and they were amazed how he wasn't affected by poison like BRUH?! CAN YOU NOT SEE HE'S WEARING A DAMN POISON WIZARD ROBE, OF COURSE HE'S IMMUNE, WHAT IN THE DAMN HAY, and they assumed it was THE legendary sword, smh
I'm at chap 51-52 where Soo-Hyuk just went in zone 6 and clogged off the poison and they were amazed how he wasn't affected by poison like BRUH?! CAN YOU NOT SEE HE'S WEARING A DAMN POISON WIZARD ROBE, OF COURSE HE'S IMMUNE, WHAT IN THE DAMN HAY, and they assumed it was THE legendary sword, smh