Tbh, I don't care about Rashta soon to be the empress anymore.I don't care about the child...

ettrevious January 23, 2021 3:49 pm

Tbh, I don't care about Rashta soon to be the empress anymore.I don't care about the child.I lost interest of soveishu. I started realizing that title alone cannot buy grace and wits. I'm stanning the empress, be a divorcee or not. She can walk on her own path without anyone else tbh But I know that she is stil human and she can feel pain as well, that's why she deserves to be free from this stupid marriage with that emperor.

    MRS.BAGFACE January 23, 2021 4:26 pm

    Same! The empress is just the definition of perfect! I feel bad that she has to be stuck in this relationship with this barely functional pile of garbage and his ugly pile of garbage girlfriend! I can't wait 'til she leaves this relationship and gets her happy ending, even if her happy ending is her living alone on a farm. If she's happy with that, I'm happy with it (⌒▽⌒)