Are they not going to address the rape?

Ethingan January 23, 2021 2:39 pm

So I may be a bit late to the party but I just have to write. I'm so pissed off at how all the rape and sexual harassment Rix goes through is never addressed. I don't like it happening at all, it makes me feel bad and it doesn't develop the plot, but what bothers me even more is that they never really talk about it. Like these last chapters, it hurts seeing Rix be humiliated like that, and I would imagine it would be traumatic, but once it was done they all just walk away and continue on like nothing happened?

And about Nuah, I really liked him, it's refreshing seeing a kind and cute seme for once. But I start to feel like he's just a bit too naive. And as someone else said, kinda useless? Like he came in when Rix was in the middle of being molested/raped, but he wasn't really able to help since he just starts puking blood. Rix had to free himself in the end. And the reason Rix was raped in the first place is because they threatened him with hurting Nuah. Does Nuah even know this?

And he knows Rix was being molested/raped but he offers no support at all. He doesn't even seem to reflect on how horrible it must have been for Rix. And when Banam put his fingers in he just stood there. After the whole ordeal he doesn't think about how to help Rix but only that Rix blushed in from of someone else? Like that is more important than Rix being molested/raped?

And what happened to the rapist? Did they just let him go so he could continue rape other people?

    bananamilk January 25, 2021 2:29 am

    I get that and I really hate all Rix goes through as well, but I cant blame Nuah. Despite being a divine beast you have to keep in mind that hes had no contact with humans before Rix and that before he was with animals etc. that dont have the same issues humans do. So to expect Nuah who is basically a child to society to understand how Rix is feeling is a bit much to ask.

    In terms of preventing it, he's never been in these situations before and isnt used to such violence I assume so he wouldn't know how to help and using his divine powers, the only thing he really can do, puts him at risk and Rix would hate to be the reason Nuah puts himself at risk.

    Overall, I agree that all the rape is disgusting and terrible but I dont think its right blame Nuah as there isn't anything he really could have done. Instead blame the pieces of shit who decided to do such things.

    lostikins January 25, 2021 12:39 pm

    The post above mine sums what how I feel about Nuah for the most part.

    The part about the slave trader tho I guess you missed or haven't read the update but Tylli came in with a bunch of others and arrested the slave trader and his gang. I'm guessin' Rix and Nuah tied them up off screen or somethin' since it seemed they were already bound up by the time Tylli came around.

    Ethingan January 25, 2021 1:29 pm

    Thank you both for thoughtful replies! Sorry must have missed what happened to the slave trader. About Nuah, I agree that it makes sense for him to not know the world of humans since he didn't grow up there. So I admit I may not be able to "blame" him, but it just frustrates me.

    It's the same with other stories too where for example the uke stays in a toxic relationship because he doesn't know his self-worth or is blinded by love or gratitude. It may make sense for him to feel and act that way because of the circumstances. So like with Nuah, I can understand it but it still frustrates me if that makes sense? And I hope he learns more so he can understand and support Rix more in the future.

    gateway January 25, 2021 3:29 pm
    Thank you both for thoughtful replies! Sorry must have missed what happened to the slave trader. About Nuah, I agree that it makes sense for him to not know the world of humans since he didn't grow up there. So... Ethingan

    what exactly do you want Nuah to do, if he interferes with humans in any way he would get hurt or worse still would die, As you have bee reading when Rix was really in a position to not help himself Nuah used his powers to save him and all he did was tell the man to stop yet he suffered such a backlash. do not use your emotions to cloud your judgement, you are reading the same thing i am reading and soo far Nuah is trying his best. Rix was not really bound by the chains as he had the power to free himself but he chose not to because he felt Nuah might be in danger and when Nuah found out Rix was there he freed himself and that is why he puked blood when he saw him because he used his powers when to affect humans which is a crime for divine beast and might be extremely dangerous for Nuah who is young divine beast and does not know to use his powers. If Rix was really going to be raped do you really think Nuah would stand there and just watch. I recommend that if you do not understand what is happening you should reread or get rid of your present perspective.

    Water January 25, 2021 8:33 pm
    what exactly do you want Nuah to do, if he interferes with humans in any way he would get hurt or worse still would die, As you have bee reading when Rix was really in a position to not help himself Nuah used h... gateway

    Nuah is still useless. Because when he was Introduced I thought he would at least be useful with his powers. But if he uses them he vomits blood... So what is the essence of his presence.... SEX...... like the part rix got sexually molested... He waited until the guy almost shove his penis in rix's butt.... As someone said, rix's sexual harassment and assault is fan service to people that have a rape kink. And they are happy about that.... Because some part to me doesn't make sense like when rix was getting molested by that guy. He was chained... Me thinking he can't free himself but when nuah came and was in danger, he broke the chains... I was like.... (⊙…⊙ )

    deltasierra January 27, 2021 2:23 am

    I was thinking maybe Banam erased the memories of Rix' assault again since he's done that before. But that seems like a convenient way out tbh

    lostikins January 27, 2021 3:16 am
    Thank you both for thoughtful replies! Sorry must have missed what happened to the slave trader. About Nuah, I agree that it makes sense for him to not know the world of humans since he didn't grow up there. So... Ethingan

    I mean, it's not like Nuah is the toxic one lol

    He's literally shreddin' his insides apart and goin' against basically what is considered his parents to do his best and take care of Rix. It's not his fault that any time he uses his powers he winds up pukin' up blood and barely able to do anythin'.

    lostikins January 27, 2021 3:19 am
    Nuah is still useless. Because when he was Introduced I thought he would at least be useful with his powers. But if he uses them he vomits blood... So what is the essence of his presence.... SEX...... like the ... Water

    Did you miss the part where the slave trader mentioned that they had remote bombs planted on the slaves and that if he resisted he would blow them up??

    It was a hostage situation and Rix chose the lives of others over his own dignity. It isn't that the readers have a rape kink it's that in that situation anything other than lettin' innocent people die was the better outcome for someone like Rix who has a strong sense of justice and the need to help others. He woulda suffered worse if it meant he could bide his time to figure out how to get himself and others to safety. It's what he did back in the demon kingdom and it's what he'll continue to do from now on.