It does make sense, and if it doesn't to you, you're either extremely shallow or ignorant because you have never experienced trauma.
And I guess you've forgotten that Nakyum tried to run away at every chance he got for a good while, so to someone as untrusting as Seungho, it would make sense to him that he decided to lay low to gain his trust and run away when he saw a good enough opening, and no name had planted his clothes out somewhere to make it look like he tried to run away.
I love twisted relationships and dark psychological fiction, one of my favorite mangaka is Harada, and it's precisely because the realism and the psychology behind it that I enjoy them, since it's interesting to see what happens to a person's mind and personality.
I get loving dark things, but liking that doesn't stop me from acknowledging the complexities of characters in a well written story.
You're not being edgy or whatever for liking twisted things and saying that a character should be left to be raped, you just sound like an asshole.
Jihwa is just a drunk jealous bitch who thought he was special and there is literally nothing we've seen about no-name other than he's a hot, essentially emotionless assassin. If you think J, who acts like every crazy ex ever in media, is somehow more interesting than the main two, you've got some weird taste but you do you, I guess.

Assuming someone is labeling themselves as 'edgy' because they're stating they like dark things after stating you yourself like dark shit is amusing.
So, let's start with this. Seungho has been written as a lazy and egotistical tyrant lord who indgules himself in the company of other men, but he's also seen as intelligent. He knew Nakyum tried to run because his mentor was gone and he'd taken all his stuff. And when Nakyum was sick, Seungho saw he wasn't prepared for running away and the mentor left him behind, thus his silent wait for Nakyum to notice him before he threatened him with the sword. He knew Nakyum started to behave, so why would Seungho assume that he tried running without his things and without proper attire for the winter? Because it's a writing trick. He was meant to have a dumb moment so he could later be told about Jihwa's deception and go 'avenge' Nakyum, thus setting another part of the plot in motion.
Nakyum is also a drunk, who acts like every uke in every yaoi ever created since the beginning. He's timid, he's shy, he cries, he whines, and he goes 'no, no'. Seungho is slightly more interesting cause there are hints of his backstory that have an effect on his character.
I think Jihwa is more interesting because he states so boldly 'no one knows Seungho as I do' and he's not just a jealous lover, he was something more to Seungho once. Or there was something in their past that made him believe it. He's not trying to hurt Nakyum to get back at Seungho, he's doing it so Seungho comes back to him, so Nakyum is out of the way. Min is the stereotype lover, who only wants to hurt Nakyum as revenge for Seungho striking him. And anyone who isn't curious about No-Name can't be a fan cause not only did he know Jihwa wouldn't go through with it, he returned everything then fucked Jiwha out of pity and money and I want to know where this dude got his morals.
As for the rape, that's a completely different conversation. And if you're a big fan of Harada then you know she unapologetically rapes her characters for the kink, and that's what fans of hard kink want. Nakyum isn't real, he can be raped for the audience because it's the helpless, weak, forced sex they want. And they, I mean hard kink fans. Like the author who, on multiple occasions, has stated she loves problematic stories and red flag characters. And if you try to act all saintly by attempting to come at someone for enjoying the dark stuff you claim to enjoy, then you need to stop and think.
But, you do you too.
Fucking dumb. Nakyum isn’t even worth all this drama. Min needs to get a hobby and my bae Jihwa needs to find No-Name and escape into happiness. Leave Nakyum to be raped and cry and whatever else he does cause he doesn’t do much of anything.