If Dojin was ugly, you wouldn't be saying the same lol hwi's h0e
Also honestly this is like saying “if you weren’t attracted to them you wouldn’t be okay with them railing you” like okay? Consent? I honestly think his band mate is hotter but I like Dojins behavior in this last chapter. A lot.
Also honestly this is like saying “if you weren’t attracted to them you wouldn’t be okay with them railing you” like okay? Consent? I honestly think his band mate is hotter but I like Dojins behavior in... Chaotic
Well, I'm glad you like it but- obviously Hyesung doesn't
Well, I'm glad you like it but- obviously Hyesung doesn't hwi's h0e
Hyesung very often picks Dojin. That’s how they mark in the version of Omegaverse. You have to be in love with the person. So obviously Hyesung doesn’t dislike it. He’s just bratty in bed. I feel like YOU’RE uncomfortable with Dojin (which is 100% fine) therefore you’re only seeing you’re own projected emotions (which is also fine)
I’m sorry Dojin makes you so uncomfortable. I have some story suggestions that are very consensual and loving, if you’d like to read them.
If Dojin was ugly, you wouldn't be saying the same lol hwi's h0e
Also you completely ignored my response to this comment. You understand that you’re insinuating that if someone has a sexual attraction to something then everyone should have equal claim to that person in the same way right? Cuz that’s what that statement entails. I don’t think you meant it that way but really that’s a very anti sexual freedom statement and a very rape culture statement.
Dojin and Hyesung are fictional people. I’m a real person. My consent is my choice.
Hyesung very often picks Dojin. That’s how they mark in the version of Omegaverse. You have to be in love with the person. So obviously Hyesung doesn’t dislike it. He’s just bratty in bed. I feel like YOU... Chaotic
Excuse me, what? Have you seen the terrified face Hyesung was making while Dojin literally forced himself onto him in the latest update? What I feel is that YOU like Dojin attitude, so you're assuming Hyesung likes it too, which he obviously doesn't. He has been raped by him many times, bratty attitude or not, what's so hard about respecting someone's consent?
Also you completely ignored my response to this comment. You understand that you’re insinuating that if someone has a sexual attraction to something then everyone should have equal claim to that person in the... Chaotic
Did you just call my statement a rape culture statement lmfao, when you're the one who claims that Hyesung likes to be forced to do things-
Did you just call my statement a rape culture statement lmfao, when you're the one who claims that Hyesung likes to be forced to do things- hwi's h0e
Now since you obviously misunderstood my statement, what I meant is that rape and creepy behaviors are usually easily forgiven and accepted when the characters are hot. Which is disgusting. Get it, now?
Now since you obviously misunderstood my statement, what I meant is that rape and creepy behaviors are usually easily forgiven and accepted when the characters are hot. Which is disgusting. Get it, now? hwi's h0e
That statement is rape culture. Maybe that’s not what YOU meant but it is.
Dojin forcing Hyesung previously was very much r@pe you are correct. It was wrong. I agree with that. You’re feelings are valid, if you would like some fluffier BL’s I have recommendations for you, including Omegaverse without r@pe. If you want them let me know, otherwise I really don’t care to continue to converse with someone who believes that statement is okay to say to a person. Have a great day.
I know you guys are all mad but.... honestly I’d love a partner like Dojin. Lackey possessive. That punishment? I’m here for it. Love it. Yes daddy.