Please help!!!

Hitmon-nee-chan November 18, 2015 4:28 am

Can anybody help me? I'm trying to find a shoujo romance one-shot about a girl who uses Vocaloid. She is really shy, so she doesn't tell others that she likes to compose songs, but this guy listens to them and starts crying as he hears it. She writes a song that says how she likes him and it is accidentally broadcasted throughout the school. If anybody could link me to it, that'd be great, or just tell me what it's called.

reposting since I never got an answer... -.-

    Cece November 18, 2015 8:02 pm

    I tried to find it using baka-updates, and this is the one I found:

    But I haven't read it myself, so I can't be sure it's the one.

    Hitmon-nee-chan November 19, 2015 9:31 pm
    I tried to find it using baka-updates, and this is the one I found: I haven't read it myself, so I can't be sure it'... Cece

    Thank you so much!!! This is the one I was looking for! You deserve 20 medals! Thanks again!(⌒▽⌒) :3

    Cece November 19, 2015 10:26 pm

    No problem!