As a novel reader...

dagrandesibuna January 22, 2021 5:20 pm

I see a LOT of hate towards Fenix (Remme's best friend and hero). In the novel you get to see more of what he's thinking as usual, and I won't spoil anything of course.

The main reason Fenix couldn't defend Remme properly was BECAUSE Remme is his best friend. No matter what reasoning he used, he couldn't speak about his real abilities nor lead the others to understand that (due to their promise). So, while Fenix did everything he could to defend him, there are still limits to that. Everyone would think he was just defending him because he is his best friend, meaning, that he their long-lasting deep friendship blinded him. It did not help that Remme didn't say anything either, as if leaving it to Fenix or not bothering with it. Of course, it's not their fault, Remme's or Fenix's. We all know it's the other three, but after years of this continued argument, it makes sense they exploded.

Bella is an EXCELLENT character, I love her very much she's chill but honest and straightforward, to the point she publicly defends Remme and puts the other three in their place, I like that.

And the "hero always win" is actually something Remme said to Fenix when younger. Fenix was overwhelmed by Remme's power and always felt lacking in training and else, but Remme always reassured him and told him that no matter what they'd always win because BOTH of them are heroes. It's very cute actually (▰˘◡˘▰)
