Tbh this chapter is a disappointment as usual! Now the fans are all cheering for Seungho, the only man that raped NK, and hate Min, last episode's "hero"
I also feel that BD changed her plans about Jihwa and Nameless since the fans weren't happy to see them fucking, if not that request of being hugged was pointless
Unfortunately many fans of this lovely work are purposefully (or not) delusional in terms of Seungho. They can't comprehend that HE is the man who brought NK the most misery and pain. But who cares he is ML, we can't judge him by the same standards as other characters.
Yes I'm also a little bit confused about BD not showing the smut scene between Jihwa and Nameless. I thought it'd going to be typical fansercice smut.... But I have a feeling the ship will sail in the end with Nameless protecting Jihwa against Min's venom. But tbh nothing would surprise me. Even if their thread was completely pointless.
I can't with Seungho and his hypocrisy. It's sweet he can recognize Jihwa's wrongdoings and calling him shameless and vile, meanwhile what about himself? Does he have any self awareness?
Also why does he have to always act so reckless,why can't he put some thoughts into his actions?