Can someone pls spoil me AAAA

nomika January 22, 2021 10:20 am

Can someone pls spoil me AAAA

    AnnieStorm January 22, 2021 11:04 am

    MC is actually OP and the pills were holding her powers back

    Roxannabell January 22, 2021 11:05 am

    It's confusing.....

    So I've seen many different spoilers. From what I have gathered is that our FL is one of 4 sibling, who are children of God. Not like religious followers, but like he made them. They are special. Probably something like demi gods. They be his kids. Each child committed some sort of crime. Our FL committed the sin of murdering her child. The reason is that he became extremely sick and was slowly dying very painfully and she didn't want him to be in such misery. The priest who sends her those supplements is her use to be husband, who committed the sin of killing her. He did so out of rage of her killing their child. Abe is actually her child that she killed, his sin is that he killed the 4th child, but I dont rememberwhy. I think it was a mistake, like an accident happened and honestly it was nobody's fault. And idk about the 4th kid. So God cursed all of them and casted them from his side. The curse is that they will be reincarnated over and over again until they stop doing their sin. But if they remember their past life they will eventually do the sin again. So far this has happened so many times they have lost count. Our FL always ends up killing her son because she can bare to see him suffer and die slowly. He always can't control his rage and kills her for it. It is part of the curse that they WILL do this if they remember. He sends her those supplements because they repress her memory of who she really is, in hopes that without her memory she won't kill Abe AGAIN and then he won't kill her AGAIN and the curse will break.

    I'm confused of how everything goes down because 1, she remembers a past life she lived where none of that happened and yet the curse isn't broken. 2, if he remembers enough to suppress her memory then isn't everything in play already? And I think there is actually something special about our deal ML but I don't remember what it was