Very well paced

ephemeralblues January 21, 2021 4:56 pm

Slot of times with long stories they get tegother in the first 50-100 chs then the author drags it out with cheating, the fear of cheating, pointless misunderstandings, or completely dump the man couple for a second couple. Not all stories with these aspects are bad but it's nice to see something that feels fresh. None of the chapters felt out of place. everything's felt very organic and I loved all the characters. Definitely worth a read!!!

    caellum February 20, 2021 5:43 am

    I completely agree with you. I was actually hoping to read more stories where the moments don't feel too forced. This was like the only manga that really made me connect to the characters by heart.

    Adelait February 20, 2021 7:43 pm
    I completely agree with you. I was actually hoping to read more stories where the moments don't feel too forced. This was like the only manga that really made me connect to the characters by heart. caellum

    Honestly there are so many stories where they end up destroying the relationship/giving it a foul aftertaste because of dragging it out by pointless drama

    The story here was genuinely so well paced, nothing felt forced or too filler-y

    caellum February 20, 2021 8:20 pm

    True true. This is personally a favorite of mine.