It might be a bit twisted, but I wish the third guy (that they both like) would die tragically, and then the other two will stay together because they are both still loving him, and thus are the only ones who understand each other. And they'd just be together forever.
It might be a bit twisted, but I wish the third guy (that they both like) would die tragically, and then the other two will stay together because they are both still loving him, and thus are the only ones who u... Anonymouse
Why must die ( ̄▽ ̄)╭... If he finds new love I think it would be better. Anyone think soo???
It might be a bit twisted, but I wish the third guy (that they both like) would die tragically, and then the other two will stay together because they are both still loving him, and thus are the only ones who u... Anonymouse
If he dies, Take would probably die with him. Take has already said that they are a part of each other. The author has also confirmed this.
And the author has said it herself that Mine does not love Take that way. So I don't think a relationship is possible with just them two. He reacts differently with Hiroi and Take and you can see he really treasures Hiroi. So without Hiroi there I don't see anything holding Mine to Take. Mine just likes sex with Take more but even so looks for Hiroi more than Take. I think the author never developed Mine feelings for Take so I'm not sure why people think they would work as a couple. Sex is good but that's sad if that's the only thing holding you guys together. Worse still, if someone's death is the only thing holding you together. The author herself said 'Take is not a love interest'. And she portrayed it quite obviously.
Good manga buut.... I like mine and take's couple more....