It’s quite obvious it takes so long to upload and in their case clean translate and redraw etc. I myself am an uploader and it can take 1-5 hours just for one chapter. It gets really annoying when people upload over you cause you then feel like the hard work you were doing has all gone to waste. Uploaders on this site do it for free and illegally. We take time out of our day and get sleep deprived at times. I try and make my work look as neat as possible and so do they. Some uploaders don’t even try but lots spend their money and some don’t realize how stressful it can be. It’s just rude to stomp on ones work period. They didn’t say they were dropping this and on one of my comments they had replied that they were on the verge of it since all their hard work went to waste since the person who uploaded didn’t take in the consideration of even asking and just uploaded and though people would be happy since they got to read another chapter. The groups hard effort went to waste and they didn’t even get asked if they wanted someone to upload the next chapter. So yes they have the right to be mad and all uploaders who’s work gets uploaded over who clearly uploaded and is going to have that right.
please contact the uploaders first i can see if months pass and no updates then update we dont want them to get mad and quit.