To those who dislikes Karino

complete_in_love January 20, 2021 5:51 pm

LOL (not really, just the downvoters)
i know you're the ones who claim the right to read my work because you don't give a fuck, you just want to read the manga, and at the same time, you refuse to buy it and support the authors. Well, if you want to continue reading, now you'll have to wait for the english release (september 2021) and buy it, as it should be.

    Arya January 20, 2021 6:59 pm

    It's alright if you don't want to upload it because of this bad incident. I understand how you must feel as it's your hard work. However, I'm sorry that you got hurt because of this irresponsible action. Noone deserves to be treated (cheated) like this. Please know that there are faithful people/fans who will be cheering for you (and all the translators and scanlator teams). Take care.

    complete_in_love January 21, 2021 12:00 am
    It's alright if you don't want to upload it because of this bad incident. I understand how you must feel as it's your hard work. However, I'm sorry that you got hurt because of this irresponsible action. Noone ... Arya

    Oh I am not the translator haha, i just copy pasted from this just in case people won't be bothered to open the link. Thank you, I'll make sure to relay your message :)

    Arya January 22, 2021 5:25 pm
    Oh I am not the translator haha, i just copy pasted from this just in case people won't be bothered to open the link. Thank you, I'll make sure to relay your message :) complete_in_love

    Oh, it's really nice of you. Thanks :)