Shipping real human beings is harmful

why the hell am i so gay January 20, 2021 7:47 am

I feel like this has to be discussed. the problem and harm with forcefully shipping people for your own pleasure. and on top of that, assuming/mislabeling someones sexuality for your own entertainment. It's weird. It's fetishizing. It's gross. And it's violating. Like yeah you might be happy when you see two guys or two girls being affectionate with eachother but theres a certain point where it's not okay anymore. Not like it's okay in the first place. what are yalls opinions on shipping irl celebrities?

    Give me your children January 20, 2021 7:49 am


    soot sprite January 20, 2021 7:53 am

    i think its fine if its harmless short-term teasing. but shit like Larry was really uncomfortable for me. and im pretty sure it was for harry and louis as well

    why the hell am i so gay January 20, 2021 7:54 am

    So weird how people aren't aware about how harmful this shit is

    why the hell am i so gay January 20, 2021 8:02 am
    i think its fine if its harmless short-term teasing. but shit like Larry was really uncomfortable for me. and im pretty sure it was for harry and louis as well soot sprite

    yeah especially when it got to a sexual fantasy level of weird.. ahh it's super gross like these people live real lives? and this definitely affects the friendships that the celebs have with one another

    Aya3 January 20, 2021 8:02 am

    i think it's fine as long as you are not forcing it upon the people in question.
    so, like, you can write fanfiction and think whatever you want about their relationship, just don't send them messages about them unless they specify they like it/don't mind it

    YesButLikeNo January 20, 2021 8:05 am

    Shipping people in real life, regardless of sexuality, is wrong. Shipping celebrities is horrible imo since this fuels the idea that celebs are nothing more than people you see on TV, burying the fact that they themselves are real people.

    Especially if they have expressed they are uncomfortable with this. I remember one member of BTS has said that they dislike being shipped with other members yet there are still "[insert ship here] moments" and many popular fanmade things (fanfic, fanart). I

    even recall a "my omega leadernim" or something, which, if i remember correctly, was based of two BTS members but it was really sexual, if I had been one of the members, I would have literally thrown up at the thought of me being used as an object, a sexual object.

    While I do believe if celebs are dating, it is okay in some aspects, once they break up, I disapprove of still shipping them to the point of bothering them. I think that Justin Bieber was dating Selena Gomez. And after breaking up, he found a new partner, now married, Hayley/Hailey/Haley (im sorry idontknow) Bieber. She had recieved death threats for being with him from toxic SelenaxJustin shippers. Also, both Justin and Selena also recieved death threats when first breaking up. Breaking up is already hard, no one should ever have to go through that and THEN face fans screaming "get back together"

    YesButLikeNo January 20, 2021 8:07 am
    Shipping people in real life, regardless of sexuality, is wrong. Shipping celebrities is horrible imo since this fuels the idea that celebs are nothing more than people you see on TV, burying the fact that they... YesButLikeNo

    jeez sorry i rant when im passionate about a subject

    why the hell am i so gay January 20, 2021 8:07 am
    i think it's fine as long as you are not forcing it upon the people in, like, you can write fanfiction and think whatever you want about their relationship, just don't send them messages about them ... Aya3

    I agree! I think writing and drawing these ships are fine, as long as it isn't seen by the celebs because it may be uncomfy for them.

    why the hell am i so gay January 20, 2021 8:13 am
    Shipping people in real life, regardless of sexuality, is wrong. Shipping celebrities is horrible imo since this fuels the idea that celebs are nothing more than people you see on TV, burying the fact that they... YesButLikeNo

    I seriously can't stress this enough. it's really really disgusting when fans start to objectify their idols just for their own pleasure like the whole concept is so nauseating to even think about idk how people actually do this irl. Like if it motivates someone to write or draw, I think it's both a bad and good thing at the same time.

    I remember the webtoon, my friend showed it to me once. Yeah, all I can say is that it really grossed me out. And it was hella popular which made this whole thing worse.

    This kind of behaviour takes so many turns and twists and it's so disgusting when fans become so reliant on this in order to feel happy.. and then the death threats and cyberbullying starts when something doesn't go their way..

    ArandomBystander1 January 20, 2021 8:14 am

    I agree I don’t like shipping people in real life, I only ever ship fictional characters.

    why the hell am i so gay January 20, 2021 8:15 am
    I agree I don’t like shipping people in real life, I only ever ship fictional characters. ArandomBystander1


    Kanaoshi111 January 20, 2021 8:17 am

    I liked all these shipping especially fanfics about them BUT a cruel incident happened with the Untamed Actor Xiao Zhan!!!!! He had to live absolutely hell because in a certain fanfic with Wang Yibo(othet actor from Untamed) he was crossdressed and many of his fans didn't like it so they opposed the fanfic but all that lead to harm Xiao Zhan's reputation somehow??! That was soooo fucking mean like he had absolutely nothing to do with that fanfic .... someone wrote something and he had to face all the issues... its a huge scandal which affected his mental health and career so from then on i dont encourage all these ships !!! Like its fine if you like to see them together but PLEASE DO NOT DO ANYTHING TO HARM THEIR LIVES AND CAREER!!

    Kanaoshi111 January 20, 2021 8:19 am
    I liked all these shipping especially fanfics about them BUT a cruel incident happened with the Untamed Actor Xiao Zhan!!!!! He had to live absolutely hell because in a certain fanfic with Wang Yibo(othet actor... Kanaoshi111

    If you wanna ship !! Ship them in a HEALTHY WAY!! Cute moments jealous moments what not youtube videos they make those are fine!! BUT I personally DONT like it when they sexualize the ship....

    why the hell am i so gay January 20, 2021 8:24 am
    I liked all these shipping especially fanfics about them BUT a cruel incident happened with the Untamed Actor Xiao Zhan!!!!! He had to live absolutely hell because in a certain fanfic with Wang Yibo(othet actor... Kanaoshi111

    yes I heard about it too! and the banning of the fanfic website "archive of our own" in china. It's so upsetting to hear about how all this happened because of obsessive fans and fetishists.. it's so unfair. And both Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo don't deserve any of the harassment they receive.. it's so courageous that they took on the main roles of the untamed, and I respect them for that! especially since mlm is very stigmatized in china and Asia as a whole. They're so admirable, it's so saddening to see how far these "fans" go which end up negatively affecting them, their safety, their loved ones, and their work ethic...

    Kanaoshi111 January 20, 2021 8:28 am
    yes I heard about it too! and the banning of the fanfic website "archive of our own" in china. It's so upsetting to hear about how all this happened because of obsessive fans and fetishists.. it's so unfair. An... why the hell am i so gay

    I just want both of them to be happy !!!
    No more scandals please !!

    why the hell am i so gay January 20, 2021 8:31 am
    Exaaaaaaaaaaaaactlyyyyy!!!!!!I just want both of them to be happy !!! No more scandals please !! Kanaoshi111

    yes they deserve only the best!!! it's so unfair how they're treated sometimes,, especially by their own fans..

    Scarlet January 20, 2021 8:38 am

    I only get attracted to fictional character's shipping real people is not my thing and seems wrong and when people try to justify such actions are kinda creepy.

    Lokilokippppearl January 20, 2021 8:54 am

    I was absolutely appalled when someone assumed I ship real life people just because I enjoy BL. They kept talking to me with disappointment and shared it with all his friends.
    I was shocked, betrayed and confused. Shipping real life people has always been gross to me, but I just want to add that assuming someone ships irl people is also rude. (Not that I'd assume anyone in this tread does, just wanna add that point)

    why the hell am i so gay January 20, 2021 1:29 pm
    I was absolutely appalled when someone assumed I ship real life people just because I enjoy BL. They kept talking to me with disappointment and shared it with all his friends. I was shocked, betrayed and confus... Lokilokippppearl

    you do not deserve that. I'm upset you had to experience that... ugh and what's up with him not even attempting to hear you out and understand that he's mistaking you for someone you're not?? He just wrongly accused you of someone you don't do, let alone even support it. and what even makes BL so different from SL to the point where readers are assumed to also ship irl people..? I feel like if you told him you read SL instead of BL he would've had a completely different reaction. shipping fictional characters and shipping irl people are two COMPLETELY different things. idk where he got that mentality that all BL readers ship irl people, but the way he treated you was really ignorant, self serving, and extremely close minded. Can't believe you had to experience that.. hopefully it's better now

    Lokilokippppearl January 20, 2021 2:10 pm
    you do not deserve that. I'm upset you had to experience that... ugh and what's up with him not even attempting to hear you out and understand that he's mistaking you for someone you're not?? He just wrongly ac... why the hell am i so gay

    Thanks, honestly your words meant a lot. It's been two years since I last met him, but the memory stayed. I tried my best cutting him out of my life. Back then, the worse was he kept insulting me in all ways like my weight, my appearance, my hobbies, my habits, tried to get me to date his friend(who I lost interest in since he was part of the package) , and consistently said "I'm your best male friend" whenever he dumps his personal issues on me. I had trouble expressing my anger back then, and smiling and hinting to him that I didn't want to talk to him at all took a heavy mental toll on me. Sorry, I think I'm sharing too much haha