I am a taku stan- but i know from the start that jowoon would be the endgame here.. When reading taku's arc where they both went in a relationship for a month. U can actually feel the ambiance of their story.. The coolness of colors in each panel was enough to make u feel uncomfy and unsettled. You can see how the chapters where they are together, the panels are kinda bluish and it sets the mood.
while if u look at jowoonxhaesoo's chapters, they were all warm as if it is trying to comfort you.. the opposite of taku's chapter. THIS IS WHY I LOVE READING LOH, everything in it was planned to very perfection.
Im really bad at explaining but i hope you get it lmao

OMG I actually saw people on twitter talking about that!!
The pink tone theory. Haesoo and Joowon's moments, are so warm and doused with warm pink tones. While with Taku... even some of their sex scenes have a kind of paleness and coolness to them-- despite the fact that sex typically elicts the exact opposite response. It almost gives you this feeling of DETACHMENT? Yeah, that's the main feeling I get from it. It was the most blatant in their last sex scene, where Taku feels like Haesoo's mind is totally elsewhere and they call each other weird.
Yeongha is an amazing writer, but Bakdam also plays such a huge role in the delivery of the story through the art. They're very in tune with each other, and both so talented!
Also I respect you for liking Taku but understanding this lol. I actually come to appreciate Taku as a character when I think about him more. Even though I definitely don't want him with Haesoo and think he was a bad partner haha

I agree 100%! I actually wanna see more present Joohae tho like how they deal with their relationship. In terms of Taku, i want his side story to be a back story instead of seeing who he ends up with cause his character seems to have a lot of layers too. He was never right for Haesoo but as a character, I actually like the way the authors wrote him and he has his own complexity :>

@hannietea yesss same!! i honestly want to see his backstory more than his new partner. Cause everything about Taku always leaves me thinking: but WHY? With Joowon and Haesoo, we know why they act the way they act stemming from their adolescence and parents. But Taku lacked that background depth. Like what made him opportunistic, or selfish and unfeeling in the first place??
I often think of that conversation Taku had about his uncle that died who taught him photography, and his lighter… it literally went nowhere. Like what was that supposed to be about, or intended to symbolize or represent?? Maybe you can help me understand it, if there was actually more meaning there that went over my head ^^" lol,, But that conversation really made me think Yeongha had Taku's backstory (related with his uncle) in the works, but cut it partway through cause it would make the manhwa unfocused from Joohae endgame, especially when we already spend so much time with Taku/Haesoo.

I actually think Yeongha was going somewhere with that conversation he had with his uncle but I have difficulty putting my analysis into words rn omg hahaha I’ll be getting back to this convo once I find that chap cause that was the one part that I found difficult to understand in terms of Taku’s view on life and photography in general when I first read it. It’s hard analyzing LoH with one read so I’m actually gonna reread the whole thing. Ahhh there’s so many to uncover but I understand the author’s concern though in terms of laying out the story. All of their backgrounds cannot be fit into this one segment and if they would, they could actually make Taku into another story. We will never know the reason for everyone’s actions which was what made this story beautiful in the first place. They tried incorporating a lot of issues and even gave detailed explanations but if they did continue Taku’s back story in the middle, the meaning of the story would have lost its essence ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

Maybe Taku’s side story will include both his background and new relationship? Idk if they’ll be able to pull that off but I believe in the author’s skill in writing akhdjaha they might do a few flashbacks and incorporate the changes of what Taku has experienced from both past to his relationship with Haesoo and to present. I know it’s a lot to cover but I actually have hope for it (⊙…⊙ )

Excellent post!
I think the way in which he bought that ring for Haesoo is indicative of his character, as well. Just a flash of Haesoo’s hand in his mind without bothering to get a proper measurement shows how he doesn’t want to, or can’t be bothered with, putting the work in to get to know the whole person. Not just the sweet parts.
I guess I’m not necessarily convinced that he fell in love with Haesoo. I think it’s just the idea of all-consuming love that Haesoo had for Joowon, he wanted that version of Haesoo for himself. But not the real, complete Haesoo. So instead of feeling devastated, it could be the catalyst he needs to work at building a real relationship with someone.
I think we’re compelled to find answers or explanations as to why things are in life and in fiction, but I just assumed Taku was a sociopath and narcissist from the start. Which may or may not be what the author had in mind.

It's kinda hard to say if he actually fell in love with haesoo or not. I dont think there's a concrete answer to that and I feel like you could argue from both sides (as I've seen people do hahah)...
Also yeah, I thought taku exhibited some sociopathic tendencies whether the author intended it or not: especially in how he couldn't separate his photography subjects from his lovers (im pretty sure his friend at one point asks him if he likes haesoo as a subject or romantically, and taku responds with asking if there's a difference or something like that). It shows his clear emotional detachment from all his past partners. But I think there was a definite change in his character as he started going out with Haesoo, and that this relationship was different from how he viewed or treated all his past relationships.
It true there might not be any deeper reason for how he behaves, but the author made me feel like there was when the conversation with Taku about his uncle and the lighter came up lol. Ofc that's just my personal opinion.

I’m an eternal amateur at love, myself! But yeah, I think there are multiple ways the reader could interpret it, with the most palatable and popular being that it was true love. And there’s nothing wrong with that view, of course, it’s totally valid! I just imagine that if they had continued on, traveling around the world and what all he was thinking, he would have been dissatisfied when it didn’t live up to his romantic ideals, because he didn’t really even know Haesoo. And that ring wouldn’t have fit on Haesoo’s finger because he guessed at the size.
It's amazing how some ppl claim Taku was with Haesoo out of the goodness of his heart, and wanted to "save" him from an unhealthy relationship i- like what now?? Reading comprehension where???
Taku got interested in Haesoo after seeing his story about his step brother: he wanted to mess with that relationship. Taku's exhibition themes were: Loss / Love —a choice he thought Haesoo would be so *perfect* for due to his relationship with Joowon. No, it was never about Haesoo's wellbeing lol. There’s literally a scene where he implicitly tells Haesoo to think of Joowon for the photoshoot, right after their breakup, and thinks: “I knew he was hurt, but I wanted to see something more”. He wasn't trying to make Haesoo feel better, but instead he was intrigued & captivated by Haesoo’s hurt and pain over Joowon. He even admits in the end, after he grew attached to Haesoo: "From the start Haesoo only had eyes for one person. Perhaps those unwavering eyes were what I loved most” -- proving how transfixed he was by Haesoo's feelings for Joowon.
Taku says in his character interview from the start that he's "opportunistic" when it comes to relationships. Example: him comforting Haesoo crying... it parallels Taku's ex-bf being comforted by him & getting upset cause Taku is just PRETENDING. It's the same w/ Haesoo. He didn't do that with genuine feelings, but just as a "habit" like Haesoo says. Taku also said, “it felt good to see you sad” and how he knows hes selfish but its cause he likes to feel needed. So him chasing after Haesoo wasnt sincere, but self-interest & intrigue (“I wanted to see the kind of story he writes when im gone” HELLO??).
There's multiple metaphors about it too (lmaoo not me writing about the metaphors when ppl can't even get the blatant text of Taku saying MULTIPLE TIMES how he's "not a good person" and that he likes Haesoo for selfish reasons... but anyway the metaphors are interesting to me <333). First his photography: Taku always focused on the frozen images and what's within the lenses, instead of life in the present. He captured what he wanted & ignored the rest. Second: the candy. He says all relationships are the same to him: just "sugar/additives despite the different colours". He doesn’t like the taste of bitterness, only the sweetness. It ALL shows how Taku only wanted the good and superficial things in life. He selfishly liked to be needed by someone else, but without any of the burden of real feelings. It’s only through letting himself get attached to Haesoo & realizing Haesoo’s pretend love isn’t enough for him, that he describes Haesoo’s kiss as "bitter".
Honestly I know how upsetting it is to see your ship sink. But if you step back and read carefully: you realize that Yeongha literally built Taku's character to GET HEARTBROKEN and experience the bitter things in life,, because he'd been so numb to that feeling otherwise. (It makes me curious abt Taku's backstory honestly. like what made him this way??)