Oh well

Mel_lu January 20, 2021 12:51 am

As mad as I am to see the rapist cousin, this shit is so normal.

Family members/predators don’t really care about what they’ve done to you. They can sometimes become a little obsessive.

I have a cousin that molested me when I was younger & even though I told my parents about it, they always try very hard to contact me.

    IWantFood0_ January 20, 2021 1:57 am

    Hope you get the strength to get back at him and live peacefully after.
    I'd make very fucking clear to my parents to stop denying it for their own selfish sake and decide whether they respect me or that molesting piece of shit

    LonelyInG0rgeous January 20, 2021 3:12 am

    Same and by two (at 7 and at 10} ñ, you learn to move on but never speak about it with anyone, and it's so hard to do so, so you are pretty amazing.
    just letting you know you are not dirty and it's not your fault, Let's change this dirty society with the strenght we got from All this shit